
I can I be more outgoing?

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I'm a freshmen at high school, and I don't know anyone there, I only know a couple of people and I don't have any classes or lunches with them. I really wanna make some new friends, but I'm really shy and don't really say anything to anybody. I also wanna get a girlfriend, and there is someone I kinda like, but I haven't really said anything to her yet. My last girlfriend broke up with me because I didn't talk to her enough, and really don't want that to happen again. My best friend is outgoing and he's making new friends and meeting girls and is starting look down on me. So how can I become more outgoing and talk more to people I don't know?

please help me, I'm tired of being the quiet kid with only a couple of friends!




  1. you should start by just talking to people in your own league, guys and girls. a lot of times if you open up to a shy girl, she will probably open up to you as well (over time).

    if your friends outgoing, just hang out with him and be sweet.

    don't act like you're obsessed with finding a gf or anything... because things like that should happen on their own.

    just be yourself and remember that it's really not a big deal if a girl doesn't like you. you'll move on, and meet people who do. don't take things too seriously, but don't be a clown at the same time...

    just don't be fake or phony and you should be fine

  2. introducing!!

    smiling and looking confident is great

    try to say hi to the person next to you

    she / he might be your next best friend

    that happened for me and once you get to know her and become

    more confident just go up to people and say, "hi, i'm _____."

    other people are shy too so they might be grateful that you spoke to them first!!

    Think about it

    and: One of the first things you can do is develop eye contact. For many people, it’s intimidating to look people in they eye. As soon as someone catches your eye, do you find yourself quickly looking away? Why not make a challenge to yourself, the next person you meet, I’m going to look at them straight in the eye, smile and count to three before I look away. You might have to try this a few times, but eventually you’ll get the hang of it. Trust me it’s worth it. Do this for a week, make a conscious effort to do it. (A hint if you’re REALLY shy, don’t try to do it to someone you find naturally attractive, instead do it with someone that you’re not attracted to at all, it just seems less intimidating. I think it would be a blow to anyone’s self esteem if they just couldn’t hold eye contact with Angelina Jolie for three seconds.)

    After you feel comfortable looking people in the eye, now it’s time to say something. Just a simple “Hello”, “Hi”, “How’s it going?” What you’ll find is that people are starved for interaction as well. Often just a simple Hello can start a train reaction, and the next thing you know, you’re twenty minutes into a deep conversation.

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