
I can I revive my peace lilly?

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I got a peace lilly from my g-ma's funeral. I obviously want to keep it in good shape for sentimental reasons. I don't seem to be doing a good job of keeping this plant alive. I have had it since late December and the there are more brown leaves than green. I am transplanting it today but with out proper care I just know I am bound to finish this poor plant off.




  1. I have several of these and have found that they like partial sun, a lot of room, and very little care.  If you'll water your plant when it gets dry (too much water will kill it), it will do great.  When you repot it, you may want to give it a little Miracle Gro or something like that.  Good luck.

  2. If you have brown dried out leaves, that means you don't water often enough, peace lillies like the soil moist at all times. If the soil dries too much, the leaves will look wilted. Cut off the dry leaves, loosen the roots and repot in a larger pot. You can also divide the plant. Good Luck!  

  3. If there is green...there is hope.  You are probably loving it to death.  Peace lilies thrive on neglect.  I suspect that you are over watering which is the quickest way to kill this plant off.  I suggest that you stop watering until it has completely dried out and then resume watering only when the soil is dry to the touch.  To check moisture level:  insert your finger 3-4 inches into the soil and if it is dry then water it.  Sun or direct light from a window will damage this plant.  They love full shade and will do well in a poorly lit room, but they do better with indirect light either from a lamp or window with sheer curtain.  

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