
I can connect to a wireless network, but can't access the network?

by  |  earlier

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i can connect to a wireless network with good reception. however, once i access the network, i can't get into the net. any help would eb appreciated and awarded with 10 juicy points ;-)




  1. There are 4 possible reasons for this behavior on a "Unsecure" wireless network.  

    1.  The Wireless network is utilizing a MAC address filter which only allows machines to participate on the network if the MAC address is in the "Allowed List" on the router.

    2.  Your Device is configured to use DHCP (automatic Network addressing) but the network does not provide this service.

    3. Your Device is configured with a static IP (oposite of DHCP) and either the IP address or related DNS, Gateway, Mask entries are incorrect.  

    4. Your device and the Network are in perfect harmony, but the network does not have an internet connection....DOAH  

    the best way to figure out which one of these it is is to open a command prompt.  Start-Run: cmd


    then look for the wireless adapter.  Once you find it it will tell the story.

    is DHCP enabled?  Yes, Good!   / No, google how to enable it

    do you have an IP address that is a set of number like  yes, Good!   / No, either 1 or 2 above is the culpret

    are any of these missing IPs: DNS, Default Gateway, Subnet Mask?  Yes, from cmd run this:  ipconfig/renew_all

    No, Good!

    If all is Good and you still cant get the the net then my money is on numer 4.  No internet connection on the network.

    My first instinct is that number 1 will be your problem and there isn't an easy way around it without physical access to the router.  

    Now give me my 10 Juicy points and stop trying to access my wireless network ;)

  2. Was it working before? Check the DNS settings on your router. Makre sure the router is pointing to the ISP's DNS servers. Are you using DHCP or static IP address scheme?

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