
I can control fire with my mind.Is there something wrong with me?

by  |  earlier

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tried already can also levitate rock freeze water and create wind





    get help.

  2. I'm sure you can create 'WIND'...

    I can, too :D LOL...

  3. hmm.....thats not normal. i mean those things one at a time can happen, but all 4? those powers are in no way related, and there is a zero percent chance that it would ever happen. there is only one way you could really be able to do that, and i highly doubt that it happened to you. for that reason, i must assume you are lying.

  4. You better join the firefighting force if thats the case. .

  5. I don't believe your weird. Its kind of cool, if you really think about it. Keep up the good word. You rock.

  6. Yeah, and you're also full of sh*t.

  7. You could be psychic. you need to ask a profetional this question though.

  8. no this just means your in tune with nather try plants and outher things but dont get carred away with your new found power if you use your power with cear like to tr to help the world nather will be thankful and a grat gift will be given to you by god.

    this is not wich craft ther is a nuther name for it but I cant remeber all I know is the power was given to by god himself.

  9. Hmm I didn't know that Captain Planet added a new member to

    the crew, which ring did he give you?

    She shoots, she scores

    the crowd goes wild!

    Thanks for the 2pts.

  10. LOL.

    By all means, prove it. I would love to see.  

  11. and you're asking if somethings wrong with you. whilst i havent heard of such abilities yet i would have to say that those are some useful skills. if you train hard you could do amazing things. you'll have to send me some of the specs of your abilities (how big a rock can you levitate without causing youself too much exaustion, the volume of water you can freeze, etc.)

    or you've been watching too much avatar, havent slept in days and ate too many poptarts, in which case your probably suffering from an extremely cool halucination. i swear to gods that poptarts make you halucinate.

  12. i like oboe =O  

  13. got a lite?

    ooh , i just created wind myself !!

    save me jeebus!!

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