
I can control what happens in my dreams?

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A lot of people i know tell me that they cant control their dreams, but surprisingly i can control mine. Like if I'm having a nightmare or something and a freaky looking monster is about to eat me i can, with my own will, start stabbing it with a knife that i just wanted to have in my hand. its like i am my physical self in my dreams, i have full control. If i want to fly , i will fly, if i want something to burn, its gonna burn. But when i do something like this in my dreams i get into a state where my mind is active but my body becomes paralyzed. In other words, if i do try to control how things happen in my dreams my body gets stuck and ill have a hard time waking up. how come i can control my dreams and other people say that they cant or that its too hard? and why can i control my dreams? ( its not like i know how to do it, i just can ).




  1. Hello dear

    not to worry you are not strange rather gifted actually.

    What you are experiencing is called lucid dreaming. That means that you can control what happens in your dreams and take control and make things that you want to happen happen.

    don't be frightend it's amazing! This kind of dreaming takes people years to accomplish.

    have fun with it, next time you dream and realise your dreaming will it to change to something fun like go to Hawaii, or go shopping etc...

    it's fun and beleive me once you find to control it better you'll never want to wake up

    hope that helps

    S. (Dream expert)

  2. i can control my dreams too.  Usually when you do you wake up and you can't move at all.  Its weird.  It's call sleep paralysis.  If you want to get better at it or that you cant do it at all i have a theory and so far it has worked.  Get a small un-used notebook or something like that and everyday write down the date and what dream you had.  And if you do that youll be able to control them more.  For some reason i lost that ability but last night i was flying in my dream with my own will.  I would look up a lot of info about it good luck and hav fun dreaming!

  3. It is one way to say you can control dream, but other way to say you are having different  projection.  The projection you want because in your subconscious mind, somehow you plotted a story line.   That may be why you thought you mind is active while the body is stuck. However, those things could be symbols of your hidden personalities.  

    Having knife to stab the monster may mean you are releasing your anger or you want to show off your abilities

    Having able to fly symbolize the need for freedom, and you are feeling happy in that sense

  4. No clue...

    Ask a psychologist or someone that deals with dreams...

    They may be able to tell you.

  5. I've had those. You're having lucid dreams.

  6. Defiantly, I think you can control certain dreams called Lucid Dreams.

    Here are a few sites that could tell you about it:

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