
I can feel my baby moving in my vaginal area is this normal?

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Ok I'm 37 weeks and I can feel my baby moving alot in that area. I mean you can even (i know this sounds gross) feel it from the outside. I know hes not gonna come out but jeez, should I feel it that well?




  1. it doesn't really feel like its moving in the vaginal area, but it should feel like cramping in the v****a, that's how it felt when i first started to feel the baby.

  2. It's not abnormal. It just means that he's really low. I don't think you need to worry about going into labor unless you start having contractions. Unfortunately, the fact that he's low doesn't really indicate that you'll go into labor anytime soon.

    I'm 38 weeks and I have a lot of pressure on my cervix and vaginal area as well. It's annoying and sometimes kind of hurts but I'm not even close to going into labor. I'm only 1 cm and 15-20% effaced.

    I guess all you can really do is ask your doctor to check you at your next appointment, which he/she probably will anyway.

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