
I can hear my pulse in my head?

by  |  earlier

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Okay so sometimes I can hear my pulse in my head, and I'm wondering if this is brain swelling? I came down with the flu yesterday and while I'm better, last night any time I moved my head would just THROB THROB THROB THROB to my heart beat. I'm a bit of a hypochondriac, so I would really appreciate some answers.




  1. I've had the same problem - it's your sinuses.  Try taking sudafed regularly for a while.  If that doesn't work for you, try allegra (prescription.)

  2. Are you clinching your teeth? When I lie down, if I am tense, I find if I relax my jaw the throbbing goes away. Or it could be your sinuses. I doubt you are close to death so relax.

  3. ive been searching for you and it seems that i havent come up with an answer ...butt i found a website that MIGHT help You out!!!

  4. I do, but i heard that its a sign of a brain aneurysm.

    i could be wrong though.

  5. no your brain isn't swelling. My doctor told me it's was my blood pressure. I started taking meds for it and it went away. Some meds will make your b.p. go up so watch what you take and get that blood pressure checked regularly. It could save your life one day.

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