
I can make one of my gf's craziest fantasies come true. real crazy. what do you think my next step should be?

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most of you will probably think i'm out of my mind, and maybe i am.

i been with this girl for about 9 months. after our second month, we had a big fight and when we got back together we told each other all this wild stuff like fantasies we'd never admit to and stuff.

she told me about a fantasy where she bumps into a soldier ready to ship off to iraq, and even though she's with me, she totally gives it up to him for the sacrifices he's about to make. of course, in her fantasy, the s*x is mind blowing.

ive kind of played into the fantasy by making up various scenerios and talking about them when we're fooling around. with every variation it drives her crazier.

the crazy thing is, after all that talking - its kind of become my fantasy that she live it. i feel like i'm totally sick in the head: no normal guy would want this. if you told me i'd think this four months ago, i;d say you were nuts.

but the idea drives me crazy. the idea of her being trampy and getting ravished makes me insane. when i feel crazy, i justify it by saying here is a soldier about to make supreme sacrifices - can't i make a sacrifices. its a better show of support than some hokey bumper sticker!!!!

now, i think i can make the idea come into fruition. i was talking to a friend from college and his friend is in the navy and heading for the gulf. apparantly, the guy is 6'2", in shape, and has decent enough looks to do well with women in general. i could totally set it up, and set the parameters so that once the night was over, we'd never hear from him again. its like the hottest thing ever - even though its so friggin sick.

so do I tell her? how do you even tell your gf about that? i mean, how do you say, wanna really get banged by a troop? how can you let her know that i'm really ok with it - even excited - without seeming like a perv? Do I just keep my mouth shut and hope it passes?




  1. You already asked this question.

  2. I think I answered this about a month or 2 ago, what? It didn't happen?

  3. If this fantasy isn't working for the both of you I would suggest that you come up with a new one.

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