
I can minipulate psi energy like a telekinesis but i can't move objects. What type of Kinesis do I have?

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I have tried to manipulate fire, water, air, etc. but i can only do energy.

I can make a psi ball very easily but I can't make it solid. I can almost make it solid and if you try to touch it it will be like pushing two strong magnets together. It is almost solid.

I am working on a shield and have almost succeeded.

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  1. dude, reality check, NO ONE CAN DO THAT< YOU ARE IMAGINING IT

  2. No man, I believe this kind of stuff is possible.

    Look up "Indigo Children".

    Sorry, don't know what its called.

  3. Akinesis

  4. Uh, no, actually you've done nothing. All you've done is fool yourself. Isn't it a bit suspicious that you can't create anything that anybody can see, feel, test, or measure? Why do you think that is? Almost solid? That's like almost pregnant.

  5. Imaginarykinesis or maybe the rarer kind trollkenesis, keep working on it son, practice makes perfect.

  6. No you haven't.

  7. You have what's called imaginesis.

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