
I can never look at my friend the same way again?

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One of my best friends just told me that she lost her virginity about a year ago..and we're barely 13. I don't judge her for it, she told me she regreted it and wouldn't do it again, but she was the last person in the world I would expect to be doing it at our age...what should I do? Should I just forget it? I don't know if I can..




  1. It's a strange situation, and it definitely shouldn't have happened. Make sure she understands that and is not doing that anymore. You're going to feel  a little weird around her for a while, but try to remember that everybody makes mistakes. Tell her that you're happy she told you, and hopefully your friendship survives and you will be closer because of it.

  2. Just forget about it.  You just dont do it.

  3. Forget about it...people make mistakes.

  4. Yeah you should forget about it,

    you shouldn;t hate her because she made a mistake. She was young and you really should just let it go

  5. talk to her about it

    u probably need to understand her situation more...

  6. Is hard to forget about it. Im 14 i had s*x with these girl she was 12 and i was 11 it seems to be cool saying that but it really is not .just try to forget about i know is hard,but jusk keep going.

  7. you need to forget about it. My best friend told me that she was raped when she was 12 by her stepdad and that was hard for me to hear. You can't change the past and you need to be there for your friend. I am sure she told you because she didn't think you would judge her for her mistakes, which you shouldn't. She is regretting it and you should forget it.

  8. You should really talk to her if you're uncomfortable or something.

    if shes your friend i dont think it should jeopardize the friendship.

    i'm in a similar situation and really i dont look at her differently, shes still my best friend no matter what.

    Mistakes are normal

    give her a break :]

    Good Luck


  9. she admitted it was a mistake.  we all make them. we're all far from perfect.  is there a tinge of jealousy because she experienced something you haven't?  or are you kinda mad that she didn't tell you when it happened?  when you say you don't judge her for it and then say you don't know if you can forget about it, that, in a sense, is a judgement.  

    one of these days, you'll have s*x for the first time too. i doubt you'll confer with her before you do or get her permission.  just go on with your teen years and enjoy them!

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