
I can not get rid of these spammers that constantly leave ads on my <span title=",a2_b">groups.bestembroiderydesi...</span>

by  |  earlier

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These are people who I can not get to stay off my groups and they pepper my groups constantly with 1 to 2 a day. It take s a lot of time to clean them off. I delete as spam and I ban to no avail. Help.





  1. Go to the Management section, then &quot;messages&quot; under des. &amp; app. and make your messages require approval.  If you say no spamming on the homepage and make messages require approval that might drive spammers away.

    Good luck,

    Pete (&quot;What the h**l?&quot;)

  2. If you&#039;re talking about yahoogroups, the best thing to do is to change the settings so that any new members go on moderated status.  That way, spammers are caught before they ever post to the group.  Many won&#039;t join at all when they know their spam will be caught so that nobody will read it.  Of course, when a genuine new member posts a proper message, you can instantly change their status to be unmoderated.

    If you&#039;re talking about a different kind of group, there is probably some similar feature.

  3. management- under group settings click messages- Posting and Archives (Edit) &lt;-- click the edit- 3rd column Moderation, check new members- click save changes

    this will affect all joining members there-after

    remove/ ban the spammers from your group via the members list-

    if you find some members are not spammers, or do not need moderation, this can be done two ways 1) click edit membership below their ID within a pending post(s) 2) click edit membership below their ID within the members list

    bottom next page Posting Messages:    Override: This member&#039;s posts are always moderated (Edit) &lt;-- click the edit- bottom next page select

    * Messages posted by this member are not moderated.&lt;-

    * Messages posted by this member are moderated.&lt;-

    * This member can&#039;t post messages.

    click save changes

    also keep an eye if your groups calendar is open to members, spammers are using this as well

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