
I can not join a yahoogroup because: given reason: "my postcode does not exist ...." What to do???

by  |  earlier

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I can not join a yahoogroup because: given reason: "my postcode does not exist ...." What to do???




  1. make one up! or use someone elses

  2. you are using the beta version try it again then over ride it

  3. your postcode cant not exist! some sites read it with the space, and some sites read it with out the space. eg 989IN / B98 9IN , try putting your post code into google earth or a online map and see where it takes you.

  4. Welcome to Yahoo use some one Else's but you must have a post code try this NE9 8GK

  5. maybe youre in a different country

  6. Are you that stupid?

    Use a fake one.

    Try 90210 that is always good.

  7. Sometimes putting in a space between characters can confuse the system - try taking the spaces out, or putting them in. Otherwise just try another postcode.

  8. make one up!!!! you dont have to use your one

  9. Well did you use a fake one if so use your real one if still your not getting where you want then just e-mail them and write a horrid letter explaining how upset you are and then it should work. If not make up one lol

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