
I can only sleep laying flat on my back?

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Is it even harmful? I've heard conflicting information. Is it harmful to me or the baby? What is so bad about it anyway?




  1. It's bad for your circulation later after the 6th month, thus bad for the baby (who needs your blood to circulate).  Many women sleep on their backs, then talk about not being able to breath or that their legs become numb.  You can sleep on your back, but these are the things that might happen.  The weight of your womb (+baby) puts pressure on the aorta that runs along your spine.

    You'll learn to sleep on your side.  Use pillows to help prop your body.

    I could only sleep on my stomach before pregnancy...

  2. Hi..i dnt thnk this is true,i lie in all different positions 2 sleep dpendin on wots most comfortable,i dnt thnk ur spose 2sleep on ur stomach wen ur heavily pregnant as it reduces the blood flow 2ur baby but any other way is fine! If ur still unsure ask ur doctor as he/she will knw best! All the best!!

  3. I slept on my back the entire time and nothing was wrong with my son.

    Sleeping on your left side is ideal, because it keeps pressure off of your uterus, intestines, and other organs. It also allows more nutrients to reach the baby more quickly. Laying on your back is associated with more pressure and slightly diminished blood flow to the placenta, but it's not enough to cause harm to the baby. Unless you suffer from poor circulation or have a baby that is already measuring too small, there really is no reason to be paranoid about sleeping on your back

  4. Sleeping on your back: This can cause problems with backaches, breathing, digestive system, hemorrhoids, low blood pressure and decrease in circulation to your heart and your baby. This is a result of your abdomen resting on your intestines and major blood vessels (the aorta and vena cava)

  5. It is bad for you.  Being bigger in your midsection will put extra weight and pressure on your spine and nerves in your back and can cause severe back pain.  It also provides better blood and oxygen flow for the baby if you lay on your left side.  For now, if you're early in pregnancy, you should be ok.  Your body will let you know when you just can't do it anymore; and it will!

  6. i sleep on my back & nothing has happened to me. i doubt there are any serious side-effects.  

  7. Its not the best thing to do because it limits the blood flow to you and your baby but i did it with my first every night because that was the only way i could sleep and she turned out just fine, now with this one i cant sleep on my back at all it makes it so i cant breath, every ones different if its comfy i would but try not every night

  8. i slept on my back too until about 30 weeks.......i asked my dr and he was like well rarely can it do something like pool blood into the placenta or something like that.....but obviously that is SOO rare that he has never even dealt with that, he said though that i might have to call him one morning because my whole body is numb and i can't move.  that would be it.  then it would go away but it would be caused from laying on your back for too long.  well laying on my back started hurting BAD.....too much pressure.  so i got used to a body pillow and laying on my side.

    EDIT: and it's not like i freaked out thinking i was going to be one of those rare ones, i just stopped because it go to be way too uncomfortable

  9. I sleep on my back and i havent had any problems. I've heard its bad for the baby cause it can cut off oxygen, i've heard its more a risk for mom cause it messes with blood pressure. I've heard tons of different reasons why its bad, (mostly on the internet) My dr said if i'm ok sleeping on my back, it's fine. i trust the medical professional personally. he said he's never has a baby or mom have complications from it in his practice.

  10. Personally, I don't find it harmful at all. This "rule" is something my mother told me, 21yrs ago she slept on her back when she was pregnant with me and I came out fine. I'm currently 36.5wks pregnant with DS and have slept on my back (I even sleep on my stomach) and he's developing just fine. My doctor says to do whatever is comfortable and that's what I do. She said if I'm on my back and am breathing fine, then baby is getting enough oxygen as well; now I'd you get dizzy, lightheaded, etc, then its a problem. So if sleeping on your back is uncomfortable, or you're too worried, then sleep on your side with a thick enough pillow behind your back so you won't accidently end up on your back.

    Good luck!

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