
I can predict the future. What should I do, who should I contact?

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It may sound crazy, but I know I have a special ability. My entire life I have been able to sense and foretell events before they happen and I am asking everyone that reads this to please leave there inputs, comments, and suggestions.

I believe that my experiences are something along the lines of precognition along with parapsychology, and as I have grown older, I do believe I have learned to somewhat control this “extra sense”. I understand that this may sound a bit extreme, but please look at this with an open mind. I am not here to waste anybody time. I am very interested in research project and testing. The feelings that I have are spontaneous, and only involve me. I am able to know who is calling before I even look at the phone and can feel that some one is about to come over to my house before they get there.




  1. First of all there is millions of dollars in prize money for anyone who can perform such things. You can start out with the James Randi million dollar challenge

    At first I thought you were just trying get a foothold in the field of paranormal con-artistry, which seems to be very popular these days, however, by the time I reached the end of your question I realized you just believe you are psychic.

    The truth is you are not. The fact is, you probably feel someone is coming over your house a lot, and sometimes they do. When someone calls, you either have a good idea about who is going to call, or you are just fooling yourself by making a guess, and sometimes you are right, but you ignore it when your wrong.

    Trust me when I say this, you are not psychic. You are just fooling yourself, and if you attempt to take home the prize money for proving your abilities you will just fall on your face and be embarrassed.

    By the way, don't listen to TR about the c**p tables, lol. They will kick you out of the casino, and possibly put out a watch on you if you start winning millions at a game like craps.

    If you do have that ability, move around to different casinos, and win no more than a few thousand per casino, plus lose some deliberately to throw the pitboss off your scent. Plus use big bets, like $1000 bets. A few winning $1000 bets is less suspicious than 10 $100 bets in a row. And much less suspicious than 40 $25 bets.

  2. Hi,

    You might want to get in touch with the Rhine foundation, they do esp testing, & they can point you in the right direction. I think there in N.C.

    Good luck to you & please do not let anyone discourage you.


  3. so tell me whether i'd marry my luved one.ther has been lots of prob at home

  4. I have had times where I can tell what will happen in the future. It is not something I can control..or "choose" to use. I can't pick lottery numbers for  the next day etc. I can't choose to see what I wish to see. It is like a short video clip..and it occurs without my choosing. It created alot of problems when I was younger. I now am in my 40's, and have learned not to share with people who have no understanding. I limit whom I choose to share those experiences with. the people I choose to trust and have known me over the years, realize that things have happened that they can't understand. As you can see by the comments on this site--people can be very closed minded to things they can't understand. It is a difficult path to follow---you must make choices about whom you can trust...and that is a difficult choice regarding any topics in your life. Find people who are supportive of your life in all aspects. love, peace, harmony

  5. I will go out on a limb here and guess these visions are interpreted as premonitions *after* the predicted event occurs.  That's how "seeing the future" usually works.

    If not, then take the old man's money:

  6. The best thing for you to do is contact your local spiritualist church (Google it) They can help you develop your gift and put it to good use.

    Good Luck =]

  7. if you FEEL things then you might be empathic. Do you feel other people's emotions? You might not even be aware you can.... ever feel like an emotional yo-yo, you tend to jump around a lot, swing from one emotion to another, especially when you're around other people? If someone around you is angry, do you find yourself suddenly, irrationally angry when you were just fine a few moments before?? That would be empathy. Of do you get visions? That's clairvoyance.

    Parapsychology is the study of the paranormal, BTW, not an ability. Clairvoyance, clairsentience, clairaudience are abilities, just to show you the difference.

    I'm empathic/telepathic and do have a touch of precognition as well (like you, it only seems to revolve around me and the things in my life, not big stuff). So, I believe you.

    What should you do with it? I have no idea. I don't even know what to do with my own. lol Except that I try to help people wherever I can. :) You might try and seek out others like yourself.

  8. Actually start recording these visions or whatever.

    Record them twice in a note book, and another copy in a letter to yourself. The postmark and sealed envelope will prove you knew it before it happened.

    Then contact the police with your proof, and offer to assist them.

  9. First, I would test this ability. I have provided an online link to pisgames for you below.

    You could also conduct your own test write down who it is every time the phone rings and record how often you are right or wrong. You will have to eliminate all calls from people that are expected to call (like your mother on your birthday that hasn't called yet). You could even have a person call you at randomly determined times to see if you could guess when they were the ones calling.

    The second link will take you to the homepage of the Parapsychological Association and a search will pull up information on precognition (also check the full papers tab).

    The last 2 links will provide you with places to record your precognitions so if and when they come true you will have evidence.

  10. Screening phone calls and pre-preparing for guests is a handy tool.Maybe even good practice.Start using your gift to save lives and aid humanity.Otherwise,you'll just be another fortune teller.Just one more that couldn't put up or shut up.

  11. I strongly recommend researching this further.

    If you're old enough, the first thing to do is spend some time at the craps table. After you walk way with millions of $$$, people will tend to take you more seriously about your ability to predict the future.

    But if you can't do that, devise your own experiments and have someone run them for you so that you don't bias your own results. I think predicting dice rolls is a good experiment that is easy to analyze statistically. Try that and see if you can achieve statistically significant positive results. Let us know the results when you have them.

  12. I think alot of people get this sort of thing like phone calls and that, but science isn't particular interested in it. if this is a real thing and not just mind playing tricks on you, you will have to develop it personally further before anyone would be interested. btw you can contact me when you can predict lotto numbers, hehe...

  13. I suggest you don't tell anybody, it's better if you keep it to your self.

  14. Learn more  - and never give up.

  15. dude u should go get a C.A.T scan

  16. you should send me a list of winning lottery numbers and since it has to involve you we will split the money

  17. I understand how exciting...exillerating..exasperating ..frustrating...etc. etc. it is when paranormal things first happen to you .(esp. if you don't know anyone else personally who has told you about them happening to them) You also believe they are sent to you for you to "share with the whole world". Let me tell you where that will get you....someplace you don't want to go!!Just keep it among you and those who you KNOW you can trust  with it.(you're pretty safe on here..thank goodness). Please read all you can in the Resolved Questions on here before you "run out and tell the whole world". lol You'll realize that a lot of things have happened and are still happening to a lot of people. I think it happens more than it did in the past.Maybe soon other people will regard it in a higher way than what they do now. ..with all the tv shows on.To me,"Medium" is about the best show. Read up on these things as much as you can. Ask all the questions you can on here and listen to all the answers(even those of the skeptics..because most of the people in the world are skeptics...esp. psychiatrists.) (Hopefully, you'll be able to steer clear of them.) I know you want to share this with everyone and get started as quickly as you can with putting these "gifts" to work for the good of mankind. Pray to God to send the right people to you to guide you. Good Luck.

    Edit..psi...I think you misspelled a word! lol Thanks for the laugh though!!

  18. I have the same experiences as well (and many more profound); but why are you so keen to 'experiment' on yourself? You know you have this ability, and you have it to 'help' you in your waking life. There will be many others who will try to disprove your abilities just because of their narrow-minded jealousies...which can start to cause doubts in your own self as to whether you had this ability at all.....

  19. wat is my b day

  20. what else can you do? is it just knowing who's calling or who's coming over. can ur ability allow u to read ppls minds or feel emotions?

  21. if you can predict the future, you should already know these things!

  22. It sounds very cool to me but maybe it is not to you.

    I am 52 years old and have had several readings by a couple of older psychics who were wonderfull, easy going people who used their gift to help other people.

    The oldest ones name was Wanda and her parents scolded

    her when she was young because they did not know how to react to their childs gift. She told me that it wasnt until her first

    husband died that she met a second man who believed in her and encouraged her to start using her skill.

    I would start by connecting with someone who is also psychic

    and talk with them to confirm your beleif and how they handled it and what you can do, if you decide to do anything.

    Whether you are spiritual or not, I do not know but in my eyes,

    you have been given an extrordinary gift and I would work

    on developing it because its there for a reason.

    Bless You and Good Luck.!

  23. First off believing in yourself is the key to any successful life.  All you say is good and understandable when I add the mechanism of the mind which lets you only see a portion of what is really going on no matter how psychic you think you are.  It is letting you have glimpses of what it sees and has perceived from all the information it has stored within it.  The psychic part is how well are you able to really tune in and capture consciously all the accumulation points and then interpret what has been interpreted from sources deep within yourself way beyond anyones ability to conciously partake of, to come to the conclusions that you purport.  The gist is "how well does this prediction stand up in reality?" And then with that as a comparison you can adduce and correct to align and unite what has been percieved by your mind with what in truth happens and that is how we learn to cultivate our psychic powers.

  24. You are very young... I can tell.. because I was the same way until I reached about 10 years old and had to 'unlearn' the ability because it was driving me NUTS... I knew what people were thinking and what the were going to say just before they said it.

    You need to keep your ability a SECRET from others because they will try to get you to be normal... PARENTS are especially bad... my father made my life h**l until I could stop my abilities.

    There are parapsychology groups that can help you.  Talk to the psychology teacher at school and see if he/she can help but BEWARE... if they indicate in ANY WAY they they are going to HELP YOU rid yourself of your ability DON'T LET THEM.

    It is a precious ability and you WILL lose it if you let the doubt and suspicion of others MAKE you lose it.

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