
I can punch 11 times in a second is that good, because my friend claims that he can punch 20 in 1,4 seconds

by Guest61157  |  earlier

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is that possible?




  1. No - it is not good. Mainly because punches at that speed won't have any power behind them. You are not executing the punch correctly. Speed isn't always the best thing.

  2. Pretty sure thats impossible dude.  

  3. I do not believe the claims you are making.

    Yes Andy i do get that mental image.

    Lets see- Ghetto T, account opened today. I think Mark is having some fun, lol. Troll troll troll your boat....

  4. Man people make exagerrated claims...

    Frank Dux c**p is all bullshido...

    There is no current record for this in Guiness, but I have seen and heard it claimed that 8.5 is the record by a Wing Chun Master, at least that is the hype, since their art is pretty much based on speed hitting then I would tend to favor them a little more.

    In either case, flailing your arms fast does not a punch make. What they call 6-7 punches in a second, I call tippy taps, not forceful blows in which hip and body weight is behind.

    I don't believe you or your friend, because it is pretty much impossible.

    But hey, throw it on youtube, so we can watch you and your Star Wars kid friend flail about.

  5. that is actually excellent b'coz i can only punch 2x per sec. 11 times is not bad; but 20 in 1.4; that's superhuman ability

  6. You are clearly both lying.

  7. ROTFLMAO!!!!

    Frank Dux?? LOL!!!!

    This gets my vote for Y/A's most ridiculously funny and inventive award.

    Man, this is hysterical!

    Where do they come up with this S**t??

  8. Anyone else get a mental image of 2 idiots flailing their arms around?

  9. ur bullshit cause the record is 14 in a second by Fank Dux

  10. well i would call you both utter liars but people can do some sick stuff that you wouldn't believe even if you saw it with your own eyes, i do find it hard to believe but hey nothings impossible, just seems improbable.

  11. you are both lying or punching wrong. thats not possible

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