
I can put anything as my text message alert sound so what should I put

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My sony Ericsson can have a replacement sound for the text message alerts I get. What would be a short sound byte that could work for this. It could be movie quotes, a tiny song segment, a good sound effect, video game sounds, etc.




  1. I've got a selection of soundbytes on mine.  I'm currently using the whistle from the Good the Bad and the Ugly.  I also have the horn from the Dukes of Hazard, the tardis noise from Doctor Who, the screechy music from Psycho, the cello from Jaws.

    Use your imagination, most of these tunes are available to download on the internet somewhere.

  2. right now i have the theme song for the free credit report commercial..i just thought it was funny and kinda catchy...i also use choruses of songs i like like just use whatever u hear that sounds good to u..anything from a song to something funny ur friends said..

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