
I can run a mile in 6 min, what are some tips to get down to 4mins?

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I can run a mile in 6 min, what are some tips to get down to 4mins?




  1. train hard

    good luck!

  2. There is not secret except for train hard.

    Bt by the way, only 4 high school runners all guys have broken 4 minutes in the mile.

    I don't want to crush your dreams and stuff, but looking at your avatar I'm assuming your a girl, and for a girl under 5 minutes will get you national attention, so shoot for that first.

  3. I think you can do it if you set yourself to.   But beware that is not an easy goal.  Train your best and eat healthy.  I am also in track but I can not beat 6 minutes.  No matter how hard I try.  I have found my limits now you need to find yours.

  4. become a pro athlete under 4 minutes is crazy

  5. the women's world record for the mile is 4:12.56.  i'm sorry, but i highly doubt that you'll run a 4 minute mile, especially if you're only running a 6 min mile right now.  be realistic.  

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