
I can see the dead??????????

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All you skeptics move on with your pathetic lives. You would be wasting your time here. I will just scroll down to the next answer if you leave something offensive. Anyway with that said I am 15 and can see the dead. I am very christian and wanted to talk to my priest about it. How can I develope thsi FULLY. It is not fully developed it is only sometimes there. I can see figures but not the ghosts as real people. I have twice though seen them as real people. But not often how can I see them as real people all the time???




  1. You'll be pleased to hear that are not alone-

    you're in very good company.

    There are many psychically sensitive

    people who can also "see the dead"

    as well as communicate with them.

    If you will take the time to learn meditation,

    you will find that it is an effective key

    in learning how to develop your abilities.

    And just because you have these abilities,

    does not make you 'schizo'. You will

    have to learn to  disregard any

    negative comments you may receive from others.

  2. find a lajit psychic they can help you communicate with them and help devlope you to see them as real as day. A good one is chip coffey off of paranormal state they should have a website for you to contact them, i personaly dont think a priest could  find the type of help you are looking for, nothing against you beliefs but thy dont believe in ghosts they believe that your soul stays in the grave till your judgment.

  3. Try to focus on what it is that makes that experience different then when you don't see them as real people and try to duplicate it. Approach it in the same lighting or atmosphere and try to feel the same way. Is it only when you try to communicate with them? Then try to do that. Is it only in darker rooms? Don't turn on all the lights when you want it to happen. Good luck!

  4. I don't know who you can do that but that sounds pretty cool i you really can !! you know ghost whisper ?? that's a series and she can speak to the dead! i don't know how you can develop this but do try concentrating on it focus and that's amazing !! email me about this if you want i would love to hear more about it :)  

  5. i actually do believe you because there r people in the world who can see or even sometime here the dead or sense them.

  6. I don't know why you expect us to answer this. You have the ability and we don't. Talk to your priest about it. Good luck!

  7. You, sir, are schizophrenic and in denial.  I'm not being mean.  You genuinely need help.  See a psychiatrist before you do yourself damage.

  8. HOLY COW! man i wish i could see the dead, my grandma says i have "the gift" to even smell the dead! Ive heard many stories about seeing and i beleive them. So... were the dead good looking? just kidding bro

  9. people who think other people can't see spirits only say that because it hasn't happened to them.

    if all of a sudden one day they started to regularly see dead people, and the knew they were not schizophrenic, they wouldn't want people to doubt them.

    i do not doubt that you can see spirits.

    you should try to concentrate.

    imagine you have a protective forcefield around you so you can not be harmed.

    when you see one, try to concentrate really hard on it.

    see if you can get any feelings, information, or a vision of what this person looks like.

    if you can get an image of them, you can put together who it is when you see them again.

    you could also try to communicate with them.

    i would suggest watching the show psychic kids.

    they're all kids and teenagers who see spirits and don't know what to do.

    you can take the tips that they tell them, and learn how to control it.

  10. the dead are dead and don't walk around as live people sorry.if you are in fact seeing anything it is demons pretending to be the dead.

  11. I do not know why you would want to develop this ability further unless you plan on helping these lost souls on to their after life. Those stuck on the earthly plane are in need of such help. the others who have ascended to a higher plain come from time to time to assist the living in times of disaster. But I understand what you are going through. I would suggest that you read. Chapter 23 in a book by Cassandra Eason: The Complete Guide to Psychic Development. I will also provide a few links for you as well.Peace&Love be with you...~M~

  12. christians have priests? i was under the impression that catholics had preists and christians something else. Its funny how these things come out when children of the paranormal starts a new season. maybe you should contact that show!

  13. Seeing them as real people is very rare - don't think that's the important thing. This is a Gift of the Spirit - your priest should be well aware of those.  The way to develop the gift is to keep using it.  Interact with the ghosts - some of them will tell you things mentally or show you pictures. A few speak.  Some need help, some are confused, some are lonely.  Keep in mind that these are just people without their bodies. They still retain their personalities.

    Do what you can to help them, and the people they love and who interact with them (willingly or not).  It's that simple.  Have fun!

  14. why would you want to thats scary, but i cant help you out there buddy

  15. Trust me...I am not trying to be rude...but you can't see dead people. Ghosts...are another story cause they are real and not real at the same time. But that is a different story all together. The fact is your brain is influencing you. You tell yourself just because you are very christian that you can be bestowed upon an extra power over other humans. That is not the case...all humans are equal. But the brain does have these properties. All the blood and chemicals in your brain can do very dangerous things if something goes wrong.

  16. Stay off the drugs and u prob wont see anything

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