
I can slap harder than I punch?

by  |  earlier

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The only times I've ever knocked someone out, it was via slap. I've been trained how to punch, and even used to box. It just seems like my slaps are more devastating.

Should I slap instead of punch?




  1. First things first seeing your a guy it would be very hard and embarressing to slap your way through a fight, but like you say about knocking people out...I can't beleive the many people wrote comments and havn't stated that although punching does damage and leaves bruises and cuts with the possibility of knocking them out (depending where your shots have landed). If you get ur open hand (slap) and left,right left him to each side of the head I gurantee any of you it will knock him out no matter what size. The reason this being the brain is getting shook from one side to the other in quick mannor forces anybody to blackout. But seeing your a guy I say you learn to connect your punch and keep the slap technique for when noone is around LOL. I hope this is all explained properly, I'm sure if you go on youtube or something it'll be demostrated for you there bro, addios !!

  2. First things first seeing your a guy it would be very hard and embarressing to slap your way through a fight, but like you say about knocking people out...I can't beleive the many people wrote comments and havn't stated that although punching does damage and leaves bruises and cuts with the possibility of knocking them out (depending where your shots have landed). If you get ur open hand (slap) and left,right left him to each side of the head I gurantee any of you it will knock him out no matter what size. The reason this being the brain is getting shook from one side to the other in quick mannor forces anybody to blackout. But seeing your a guy I say you learn to connect your punch and keep the slap technique for when noone is around LOL. I hope this is all explained properly, I'm sure if you go on youtube or something it'll be demostrated for you there bro, addios !!

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