
I can stay sleep for 8 hours

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I'm a 20 year old. Lately my days have been very busy.

I need 8 hours of sleep to stay fresh.

I haven't got an 8 hour sleep in like 3 weeks now.

Usually I just wake up after 6.

When coming back from work I get so tired in the car that I almost fall asleep.

I'm thinking of buying some over the counter sleep medicine.

Any help...




  1. How is your room set up?

    I used to have that problem and still do.

    But I bought really dark curtins to block the light out.

    It seemed when I noticed the light I was getting up. I'm a morning person.

    By blocking the light out, I could sleep in more when I wanted to.

    Hope this helps.

  2. just whatever you do... don't get depressed... I mean it

  3. Then go to sleep! Pills are a last resort if u cant get sleep naturally.

    My suggestion is if u have some kind of difficulty take a day off, dont sleep through the night , and voila by the morning u will be sleeping peacefully

  4. u can or cant? if its cant, then i think u should try medicine, if u CAN then the question doesnt make sense

  5. Well as soon as you get home, cut out the recreational activities, like t.v. or whatever you do,you should instead, have dinner, shower, then straight to bed, if your having trouble sleeping then by all means by the sleep medicine and see if that helps.

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