
I can swim but could not float?

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someone pls tell me how to do it and why i keep on sinking whenever i try to..?




  1. when you're floating on your back look back and try to put ur stomach flat on the water. when ur floating casually just constantly waddle ur arms and legs in a relaxed position and inhale and exhale.

  2. Wahaha...

    Just paddle your arms and feet..

    Like a dog..

    It works..

  3. Muscle is denser than fat. If you are muscular rather than average you may have difficulty floating. Most people tread water with their feet as keeping your head above water is hard unless you float on your back. I am a sinker too!

  4. As a lifeguard i can tell you from all the stoopid classes some folks just dont float... it doesnt mean your fat... fat is bouyant, muscle sinks... are you muscular...

  5. thats because your scared.... maybe get someone to help you in the first time, just to support you, breathe a little heavier than you normally would, like deep breaths, relax and pretend your floating in the clouds... dont think about anything else and dont stress. It helps to have your body in the correct position also, like make sure your feet are up high enough so they wont sink and drag you under also. Lol, good luck with the floating

  6. Just relax and let your body free,do not move just feel light and you find that you can float,then try to swim .and you find you could swim

  7. Well the more muscle you have the harder it is to float.  That being said, take in a BIG breath, that will make you bouyant and then lay back.  Try putting your arms and legs out wide and keep that breath in.

  8. that may have to do with the amount of body fat that you have, if you are lower in body fat, then it is harder to float, but if you have a lot of fat, it is much easier,  so be glad , if that is the reason, then you are in the minority and not fat....  LOL

  9. u r too tense? being tense sort of restricts you movement and stuff cuz if u r relaxed (and in "lie down") and stretch out your arms, look at the sky(impt!), u will float. :)

    or..have you just started learning to swim? if that is the case, dun worry, you will get the hang of it.

  10. Some people just don't float.

  11. its hard to float especially if you are not fat or are in fresh water, Its easier to float in the Ocean because its salty

  12. Take a deep breath and hold it - you will float like a cork

    Once you exhale, the air will leave your lungs and you will begin to sink.

    Try it - it really works.

  13. esta respuesta te llegó un poco tarde ya que te han respondido en varias partes.

    La razón por la que no flotas es por que tienes una baja relación de grasa en tu cuerpo. Es decir que tu indice de masa corporal debe ser menor a 23.

    El cuerpo humano está formado en terminos generales de tres cosas: "musculo, grasa y huesos" (digamos que los organos son musculo, aunque tambien tienen grasa) de los cuales los huesos tienen una densidad mayor que el agua, por lotanto se hunden. Los musculos tienen una densidad muy cercana al agua, dependiendo de la cantidad de grasa que tengan flotaran o se hundiran muy lentamente. Y la grasa que tiene una densidad menor a la del agua y por lo tanto flota.

    Seguramente eres flaco o delgado o musculoso y con poca grasa.

    Infla tus pulmones cuando estes "flotando", patalea y bracea.

    O, engorda un poco, hasta que tu indice de masa corporal se incremente a por lo menos 25.



    si no puedes traducir esto eres medio tonto.

  14. i think because you are maybe a skinny  build, because bigger people tend to float mor easily.

  15. you just hold your body perfectly straight you cannot relax because then your body will sink if that does not work just wade on your back

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