
I cancelled my car insurance and they are charging me a cancellation fee, is there such a thing??

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I cancelled my car insurance and they are charging me a cancellation fee, is there such a thing??




  1. Yes, if you signed a contract with them.

    Explain to them that you are canceling for (insert random reason here) and would like to come back to them when you need insurance again, but can't do so if they insist on charging you a cancellation fee (make sure to talk to someone above the customer service rep who answers the phone)...see if they can't wave it for you.

  2. Good experience you might get here.

  3. yea big companys tend to freakin charge you fees for evertying including the air you breath in their office

    at&t did that to me charged me a fee for changing my telephone plan wtf r they thinkin

  4. Sure is, but you'd have to read the fine print of your original contract.

    A site I've recommended in the past would be...

    Hope that helps.

  5. if you had a contract yes

  6. Unfortunately yes,

  7. yes some cheapazz companies do that. read the fine print.

  8. yes, auto policies are canceled short rate not pro rate.  basically means you pay a penalty for canceling  

  9. If you were paying by the month instead of semi-annually or annually, yes I have heard of this.

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