I have searched the yahoo site and none of the "answers" I've found were helpful. Yahoo shows that I am not a member of any group (I was a member of at least 3 or 4). I went to my Inbox, selected a message from 1/16 and tried to reply to it. I got a response that said:
We are unable to deliver the message from <gmendoza@cableone.net>
to <JWLW@yahoogroups.com>.
Your Yahoo! Groups account has been disabled because you had an auto-responder set up.
For further assistance, please visit http://help.yahoo.com/l/us/yahoo/groups/original/members/web/index.html
I have never set up an auto-responder or vacation response or anything. The vacation response is blank (not checkmarked). All links take me to the main yahoo help page. I tried to just sign up again with one of my groups, but one part of the process said that the email addy I wanted to use had been "disabled". How do I fix that?? HELP!!