
I cannot find a job in my field, should I take any job?

by  |  earlier

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I have been out of school since January and haven't found a job in the area I need to be in. Does it look bad on a resume to have a crummy job while you look for the right job?




  1. keep applying and wait patiently, apply to tons of medical jobs at

  2. Potential employers would rather hire someone who already has a job than someone who doesn't. It shows you aren't likely to be lazy and are willing to do "whatever it takes". Even a crummy job is better than no job.

  3. Is there any possibility of you moving, or making a long commute? In competitive fields or ones where the demand is low, people often need to move to get a job. My uncle, who is a history professor, moved his family across the country for a one year temporary position. If people in your field are generally applying to jobs around the country, you may have trouble ever finding work if you are looking at a smaller area. Any job is better than no job, but really think about why you need to stay in that area.

  4. If you can't find a job in your field then in the mean time yes, you should do anything you find. They can't teach in school what you will learn at a job in any field. You will meet so many different people with opinions of their own. you will learn a lot. Sometimes its just a matter of putting you foot in the company. I'd say go for it.

  5. I used this resume writing service in my area, this is the email address, ( you should try them, it only cost me $35.00 and I got a great job from this new resume, I never thought about the format that they use but the turn around time was less then 24 hrs. I would have to say it was the best service I have ever used and it was worth every dime. Also they let me pay through paypal.

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