
I cannot find my Canon Rebel charger, photo shoot today... what the h**l am I gunna do!??!

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I just got back from Europe last night and its just missing! I have a roomate, but I've spent the last three hours searching for the charger and its just not here. What can I do to get my camera charged by 12?

I messed up bad.




  1. Is there a local photography shop around?  Call them up and tell them you want to buy a charger and a couple of extra batteries.  Ask them to get them charging right away.  They understand that even professional photographers get in a bind sometimes.

    If you are trying to get into professional photography, you've just learned a valuable lesson.  The night before any shoot, always check that your equipment is in good working order.  Never wait until the morning of a shoot to check for batteries.  Also, have more than just 1 battery.  If you've got a battery grip with two batteries in it, take 3 fully charged spares.  This may seem like a lot of extra money to spend, but attention to details like that is what helps to separate the pros from the amateurs.  

  2. sit down take deep breaths clear your mind properly

    if you do it properly u will remember were you left it works everytime for me go to an electronic shops and get a new one or bprrow it

  3. I always put my charger right back into my camera bag as soon as I finish using it.   I know that won't help you now, but try to do that in the future so this won't happen again.   And I agree about charging it the night before.  Sorry this happened to you.

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