
I cannot fit in because i have dyslexia and hearing loss. what can i do?

by Guest56858  |  earlier

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I cannot fit in because i have dyslexia and hearing loss. what can i do?




  1. I had a friend who was dyslexic and so I hunted down a great book to help him - its called the Gift of Dyslexia by Ron Davis.  If you have trouble ploughing through it, hopefully you might have a relative who could help you, or if you're still in the schooling system, then a teacher - the guy who wrote it, he was dyslexic, that's how good his "method"s were. About fitting in, you don't need to be dyslexic or have poor hearing to feel like you don't fit in - most/many people don't feel they do, you're not alone!  Everyone is different which means everyone has to learn to "fit" with other people, if they want to live in normal in civilised society, its just that some people appear to do it much easier than others.  Find something you love about yourself or things that you are fab at and focus on those as much as poss :)

  2. well the only people you need in your life are the ones that are going to accept you as you. just be yourself and join a team or something at school of you want and the people who like your personality are the ones you should be friends with. just be you and thats enough.

  3. come to my school!

  4. There are classes for dyslexia and hearing ads for hearing loss.

  5. I have a friend who has that and i didnt even know about it, shes an adult now.  Kids can be cruel, find a few good true friends, and dont worry so much about fitting in, do what intrests you and be your self, tell all the other kids to take a leap!

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