
I cannot get any sound except for warning beeps.?

by  |  earlier

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I have a Compaq Presario SX4020 and after running a System Restore, I have lost all sound from my computer except for the warning "beeps". What went wrong??? I'm not a comp. geek!




  1. The warning beeps are not from your sound card but rather from a tiny system speaker usually on the motherboard or attached to the front panel of the Tower.

    You need to address the beep code first and then your sound afterward.

    The beeps are beep codes emitted by the bios to signal a problem on your system. Listen carefully to the beeps and count how many short beeps and long beeps  are emitted. Write down in the order the beeps are giving out example: 2 short 3 long beeps.

    Once you have the code find out which type of Bios chip is on your motherboard ex. Award, Ami etc... Go to  the bios manufacturer and

    get the codes with the explanation of the problem given out for each code. Match your code and read what it says about the problem. Now you should know what is the problem the code is trying to warn you about.

    Now for the sound, simply re-install the driver for the sound card. If you don't have the driver get it at the manufacturer's web site.

  2. Hi Brab

    Compyuter beep is video or memory related. If the beeps are fast and short in between, you have a bad solder and this, cannot be fixed. You either get 3 short beeps or 2 short beeps. Remove the video card and put it back in. Sometimes, it needs to be reseated. If it's ram, than you will need to replace it or remove the bad one.

  3. It sounds like the drivers from your sound card are missing. If you aren't sure how to get those re-installed I would take it into a local tech who can show you where to find the sound card and which drivers to download and install.  

  4. You have to install your sound driver from your support CD.In the link you can see what beep codes mean-but you have to know what Bios you have.

  5. Well you have to reinstall your computer sound drivers to get this working. Try this if not contact Compaq tech support. Start -- > Right click on My computer --> Hardware Tab ---> Device Manager. Click on + by the Sound, Video and Game controller, Right click on each device and uninstall. Some may not get uninstalled. Restart computer and check if sound works.  

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