
I cannot get my contacts in?

by  |  earlier

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I cannot get my contacts in my eyes, and I'm a first timer. Everytime I try to put the contact into my eye, I flinch, if the contact cleaner gets in my eye. If the contact pokes my eye, I still flinch. I need some help, to find an easy way to put my contacts into my eyes.




  1. u just have to be persistant

    and get over being scared

    when i first started wearing them i sat in front of the mirrors for hours tryign to figure out ways to put them in

    now i just hold the botton of my eye down and put the contact in with my index

    also if you use RENU it wont hurt ur eye if u get it in there so dont worry i put it in my eyes all the time

  2. I would hold my eye open with my thumb & index finger and put the contact in with my other hand at first, then I got used to it and now it's fine. But in the beginning I had to sit infront of the mirror and makes myself get the contact in. If you can't do it then just wear your glasses, lots of people have had to go back to their glasses because they can't use contacts

  3. Try opening your eye wider, and try to relax. Slowly bring the lens towards your eye while looking straight ahead. Don't poke your eye, just gently touch it and let go of the contact. If you're successful, blink slowly as this moves the lens to the middle of your eye. It took me an hour to get my contacts in the first time. Just keep trying until it works. Trust me, the next time it's so much easier.  

  4. It takes a few weeks to get used to contacts. I was the same way when I first started wearing them. But I find that getting REALLY close to the mirror helps some. You'll have it down soon. Just don't rush it :)

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