
I cannot get my yahoo to stay as my homepage I have tried time and time again in internet connections nothing?

by  |  earlier

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I tried the internet connections many times to change it but it will not stay I cannot get help from yahoo specifically what else can it be




  1. I have also tried this, be on yahoo page that you want as your home then what you do is you go to tools, click on internet options and then it will open another windows, the top box is the important one, and click on "use current"  Then click APPLY. this should work, have a nice day.

  2. For internet explorer

    1 ) Go to tools

    2 ) Internet options

    3 ) Type the address you want as your home page

    4 ) Click OK

  3. In your desktop icon, right click the internet connections and point to properties, a dialog box will appear then type the URL of the newsite in the adress then click ok.

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