
I cannot marry an Non-Arab girl ?

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idk what happened to me i used to dislike marryin an arab (im arab too btw.) now after months of racisim against the arabs by ajams. im starting to think i can not marry an ajam. i mean, i think i will marry an ajam then maybe 10 years later i will regret it. cause my arabness will get the best of me. what do you think i should do ? work on my views or just marry an arab ? or marry a half ajam half arab ?




  1. hey, no one is forcing you to marry a non arab.

    Why are you making a big deal.

    Oh and the arabs are also extremely racist (so dont just blame us Turks). I see them here in the UAE how they act towards subcontinental people and how they kiss western ......(no offence, im just saying the facts) :)

  2. Marry whoever you love. Race has nothing to do with it.

  3. I don't thing you are ready to marry anyone right now

  4. I don't know what an ajam is , but your concerns sound racist

  5. Marry whom u love dont think about race

  6. when u love some1 everything changes and nothing seems to make sense or even matter !! so arab or none arab won't matter when ur in love with this person !!

    so just put in ur mind that not every ajami is racist !! and Y!A is just a forum not real life !!

    love can over come anything !

  7. If you're racist against non-Arabs, then it would probably not be a good idea for you to marry one. However, I hope you realize that your beliefs are irrational and stupid.

  8. Arab hate christian so please beware  

  9. I would say marry your own kind [Arab] and you wont regret anything inshallah.

  10. did u hear that song of backstreet boys that said..

    I don't care who u are, where u from , what u did.. as long as u love me..

    just choose what ur hearts want.. otherwise u will regret the rest of ur life  

  11. marry whoever u love :)

  12. Same here brother, after I saw the people in this section do nothing when people insult Arabs...

  13. Race should not be the deciding factor, her character and religion is all that counts.  

  14. Good answer by Salman.

    just pray that you marry the right person, a good muslim ~!

  15. I think you should marry a Turkish girl. Maybe that way, your misconceptions of Turkish people can be cleared, Faisal.


  16. Its your life, you have free choice, marry who YOU want,  

  17. i agree with sina.

  18. dude marry a Good Muslim girl regardless her race nationality

    and marry who you wants

    racism is bad thing  and sure you can't marry a racist against Arabs because she won't marry you in first place if she hates Arabs

    racism/Nationalism could be between Arabs themselves.

    and lol do you really care about what happened from few guys and may be 2 with multi accounts !

    i defended Arabs  even tho I'm not Arab.

  19. are you sure your not g*y too?


  21. Leave the Arabness and become a Muslim first.

  22. Marry within your faith.  Mixed religious marriages are more difficult to maintain than than marriages between persons of the same faith; you both might wind up very unhappy if your Christian, or Hindu, or Jewish,etc spouse is found to be faithless or resists your muslim beliefs and customs.  Only one thing: DON"T marry someone your parents pick for you; marry someone YOU lave and loves YOU, too.

    Good luck.


  23. go with your heart..i'm an arab and i think i would never marry a non arab guy... :)  i think it just going to be harder to understand or get along with non-arab muslim than a arabic muslim

  24. An Arab is not better then an Ajam, and an Ajam is not better then an Arab but better just by Takwaa!!

    As muslim you shouldn't check the race!!

    where ever you feel good, get married up there!!

  25. Marry half chineese half arab

  26. i have to marry an arab too :[


    marry whoever you want, just dont forget yur religon.  

  27. who do you love? get to know a few girls then marry the one you think is best for you. It's important to find the right girl so you dont regret anything in life. DO WHAT YOU THINK IS RIGHT! :)♥

  28. any thing you do which makes you forget your Salat is not a good

    deed. that doesnt mean music is haram or playing musical instrument

    is haram,if one is too busy with his/her kids and forget to pray

    salat,does it mean having children is haram !

    or if you are too busy in cooking,does it mean cooking is haram ?

    just dont forget to remember Allah Allmighty..!i

  29. lol, you should just marry an Arab girl. Preserve our Arabian identity.  

  30. I'm an arab,and I think it doesn't matter what nationality u marry,neither does wut religion u marry,all that matters is that u love her and that u r willing to stick with her no matter what happens.

    gd luck!


  31. Marry an Arab.

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