
I cannot stand myself. I am failure

by Guest58469  |  earlier

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Every single dream i have ever had has failed miserably.

I am not going to list every single goal, because that would take too long. But just take my word for it that th;ey have strayed far from my grasp even when i was so close to achieving one of my goals.

It has gotten so bad that i have decided to give up on making dreams and goals, and have stopped promising things to myself. All because i cannot handle the failure they all bring. Is there anything i can do to try to make my situation any better, serious answers please.




  1. I know this feeling.  I have had it more than once.  I suggest you get into something, such as karate, that takes years to learn and stick with it until you reach your goal.  It doesn't have to be karate.  It could be anything.

    The reason I make this suggestion is because if you are consistently working toward a goal, it is harder for thoughts like these to get the better of you.

    Also, it will increase your self-esteem and help you over the bumps you will encounter.

    Don't give up on yourself.  You are the only one who can be you.  No one can do it for you.

  2. Yes, there are things you can do. First of all, I am sorry you have experienced disappointment. That does not make you a failure. Each time things did not work out, you learned something. I know that sounds trite, but its true. Each time things fell short of your dream, you gained valuable experience for the next time you try something. Be flexible in your goals. Maybe you won't achieve exactly what you were aiming for, but maybe you could discover a different goal that is just as good. Or maybe you will know certain steps you can improve on or eliminate. Every experience is a lesson. That's how you should view your "failures". My best suggestion to you is not to give up, just adapt your goals as you go. And also, start small and work your way up so you can start building some positive experiences and increase your confidence. I know you will succeed because you have had the resourcefulness to even plan for goals. Someone who can plan it, can make it happen. Even if you have to make a few adjustments along the way. I wish you the success you deserve and encourage you not to quit. Choose your own destiny.  

  3. I have the same problem,

    I think its maybe because accomplishing things have been harder.

    Everything is so expensive and you have to have money.

    Talking to a therepist, one hour equals 50 dollars. And all you end up doing is crying or the person doesn't even say anything. So don't do that it's not at all worth it.

    I think you should try small goals first in order to meet your larger goals. Small steps can get you to a great distance. :) Good Luck.

  4. go talk to a therapist or a doctor. it sounds like you're depressed. and just something to remember; the only way you fail your dreams is to give them up.

  5. Take each day as it comes and do not expect too much.  Never give up!!!   You learn from your failures, they say.  Someday things will get better for you, so look to the future and not everyone has luck the first, second, third, ect time around.  You are not a Failure till you stop trying!

  6. Stop saying that to yourself!!!!!  you are not a failure you just havent found out what your good at but dont give up on your dreams so quickly.  say positive things about your self and think of times something good has happened to you.  something good that happened to me was when i got my first car and i had only had my permit for 3 nights.

  7. Both your physical and mental health need a good checkup!

    Get to a clinic, and relate this to someone who can determine what is going on inside your body and head.

    This can be treated effectively, once the cause is identified.

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