
I cannot take care of my sick rabbit - please help!?

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I don't know what to do. I don't have enough money to take care of my sick rabbit. He has a very bad sore on his foot. I'm not sure what it it. It's a red sore, I don't want to touch it - and it is getting worse by the day because he keeps bothering it..

What should I do? I don't want to throw him outside because he cannot survive on his own. Any ideas? Please help..




  1. Try putting Neosporn on it for a couple days.   Mi rabbits have the same thing its called sore hocks.

  2. The best thing you can do is take him to a vet. If you'd rather not pay for that and treat him at home, put some neosporeann on the sore and then a sock over it. Reapply the neosporean every day and it should heal. If your scared of contracing a disease, wear rubber gloves. If you don't want him anymore and would rather someone else take care of him, take him to an animal shelter.

  3. Bring him to your Local Shelter...They can give him everything he needs and bring him to the vet.By any chance do you have a wired floor on your cage?Because that can get your pet Sore Hocks. Put some CardBoard on the bottom and Bedding over etc.


  4. Take him to the local animal shelter. You should not have a pet you cannot take care of. That rabbit is in pain and suffering! If you do not have an animal shelter, take him to a school or university or call a vet and ask where else you can take him. GET THAT BUNNY SOME HELP NOW!

  5. yeah, it sounds like it has sore hocks

    theyre caused when a rabbit has to stand in its own urine for a length of time

    this definitely needs checked out

    and if you really cant afford it, take it to an animal shelter, cos at least you know it will be looked after there


  6. well you will have to touch the rabbit to take care of it.  and he is not putting your health at risk.  

    you will need to get some small socks (like for a child) some neosporin (sp) and some vet wrap (the tape that sticks to itself).  clean the sore as best as you can with damp cloths and lukewarm water.  put the neosproin on the sore and then the sock (cut the sock down some if you need too so that it isnt too long for the rabbit).  take the vet wrap and wrap it up, do not wrap it tightly at all just enough that it is snug.  you need to do this at least 2 times a day.  

    also do change the bedding to something gentle for his feet so that he wont aggravate his little foot.

    good luck

  7. What do you want us to say?

    'Go to the woods, find a branch from the fable elf wood tree...'


    The only real way to look after him is the vet, and you should have not got a pet unless you have the money to take him to the vet if he needs it.

    But if you're such an idiot, what you need to do is change the bedding to a paper/carefresh based bedding as oppose to sawdust, gently and loosely wrap a human bandage around the sore foot, after putting Neo something on it- not much, don't let him l**k it- provide lots of hay and water- and a little bowl of his normal food- and hope he doesn't get an infection.

    If he gets an infection and you can't take him to the vet, he's dead meat- and you deserve that, but he doesn't deserve the suffering you're putting him through.


    And if you feel so 'at risk'- which I can tell you you're not, you're not going to catch his sores- then you should just jack it in now and give it to a shelter. It's not fair for you to leave it suffering when someone could help it and actually look after it.

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