
I cannot view my son;s viewcam. why only his camera is not compatible with my yahoo im.

by  |  earlier

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i can view some of my all the time. Right now he windows vista while I have windows xp.please help




  1. I can't give a precise answer. You have not specified what is make and model of the webcam (I assume you meant webcame, when you typed viewcam) you use or version of the yahoo IM you have.

    Some of the check list to trouble shoot ...

    1. Make sure your son has installed right vista drivers of the webcam he is using

    2. Make sure you have latest version of yahoo IM (xp)

    3. Make sure your son has latest version of yahoo IM (vista)

    4. Make sure your son has given permission to you to view the webcam.

    Good Luck

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