
I cant able to give answer in my Philosophy class,Two students make my Fun,i am feeling insulting,help me?

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i am a philosophy honors 1 year student

i cant able to give answersin logic class,so two students make fun of all the time and say,you cant able to answer ,they laugh on me all the times,they say me" you are such a idiot who cant answer simple questions.

i am feeling very insulting by his words,i am thinking his words all the time,this incident take place today morning.

now from today i will do hard work in studies,but how i could take revenge on my insult.

give your answer in points like






6 so i can choose your answer best answer

yahoo users you are my true friends,who help me without any self intrest,so please help me this time also,with your advice

god bless all my yahoo users brothers and sisters




  1. Ah, "Revenge" belongs to God, not man. It is wiser to give your attention to your studies and be satisfied within yourself that you are doing well and making progress.

    If you have a teacher that you can explain your problem to, then they might be able to advise and help you perhaps by giving a small lecture in class to the other students regarding good behaviour and helping others with patience and kindness.

    The people who laugh at others are only bringing harm to themselves. There is a saying, "what goes around comes around," so when unthinking persons send out unkind thoughts, sooner or later it will return to them in kind. Do not lower your good opinion of yourself to their low level by wanting to strike back. It does not raise your character and really does you no good in the end. Just go forward with your life and don't let ignorant people interfere with your progress.

    I hope that helps. Good luck!

  2. 1. Ask them to behave, if they don't

    2. Report them to the Lecturer, if that doesn't help,

    3. wait for them to fail on an asnwer, and giggle, if that doesn't help

    4. Move to another seat in the class, if that doesn,t help,

    5. Ignore them, if that doesn't help,

    6. Befriend them, become buddies and study together.

    7. Remove your gasmask in class, they may be sneering at that.


  3. move to another class

    somehow i doubt that this is a genuine problem. how can you be doing philosophy honours when it sounds like english is your second language? and nodbody believes that yahoo users are true friends. weird.  

  4. I don't need to answer in dot-points to give you the best answer...either ignore hem and concentrate on what you can get out of your studies for yourself...OR, really really get stuck into philosophical study....then mess with their heads, in a philosophical way of course :P It's amazing how an hour's long discussion of subjectivity and objectivity as relating to both the supra-natural and natural worlds, in both contrast and comparison, can make some peoples' heads hehe :P

    Good luck! I have a couple degrees in Philosophy and I can not STAND those pseudo-intellectualists who think they're so much better than everyone else...intellectual snobs! I'd much rather get into a philosophical discussion with you, than someone like them :-)

  5. s***w them they don't got lives. They probably tease you because your different. But who the h**l cares about that. Never be anyone else than your self.

    They don't have a right to tease you, they're jealous that your different and you got the guts to stand out and be smart. They're jealous you could be all that, and they can be nothing but some one else

    They laugh at you because your different, pity them because they're all the same.

    And remember, someone said a long time ago, fight fire with fire, I think he's stupid, you know why?. Fire will only make the fire bigger.

  6. i don't think revenge is a good idea. if i was there i would tell them off for you. these people are idiots. it would be nice to make them look stupid. i wish i could tell you something great to say to them, but i can't think of anything good enough. maybe, "at least i'm not so lame that i make fun of others to make myself look better" you can say this to the guy that insults you, then you could also say "is that why you hang around him too?" in reference to his friend the other guy that insults you.

    another way to go is to be curious to them and kind and human and forward. like, ask them "why do you insult me" then they would probably say some other insult to you, like a "because you're...." then you could say why do you feel the need to point that out? you could be persistent really matter of fact about it, act like if it doesn't bother you. you could discuss it in public, in front of the whole class. they would not expect it and feel uncomfortable and probably would never do it again. i can't believe your professor and all the other students allow it to happen.

    another way to go is to give a funny answer, if you agree with people when they try to insult you, trying to be funny and look good to the other students, it can confuse them and work against them. like if somebody says something about your mother you can just make more fun of your mother after and laugh with them and it can kind of defuse things. it takes the weapon away.

    so if they say to you something like, "you can't even answer a simple question" you can say something like "well thank you captain obvious" and make fun of yourself. only really confident people make fun of themselves, non-confident people make fun of others. i find this will also make them look stupid. and there's not much they can say after that. this is probably the best thing you could do i can think of, if the right opportunity comes up.

    but i'm not sure how good my advice is. i don't know these people, i don't know you and i don't know your class. i feel like i would need to be there to really be able to help.

    but i don't think revenge is really a good way to go.  

  7. No revenge is necessary unless you want to tell them "Shut up" in front of the whole class. They are being very childish. Don't worry about it, just do your best. Personally, I would kick their asses, but you can go to jail for that so I don't recommend it.

  8. Their behaviour reflects on them not on you. The best revenge is live well. It sounds like there is a language misunderstanding. Get some tutoring with the English language usage. Be honourable in all your own behaviours you are above such nonsense and low bahaviours.

  9. The day you are able to find an answer to this dilemma yourself...   philosophically...will be the day you truly become worthy of such a course!  

    You are a philosopher in the making,  you have to find a way so as not to let their jeering get at you.  You can think of a humourous retort,  or try joining them in making fun of your own shortcomings and then see their reaction.  But that doesn't mean you shouldn't try to improve yourself.  In fact they are doing you a service by pointing out your weaknesses,  only their method seems cruel and heartless!

  10. Work on your dialect. I mean if you really talk like this in class they might think you are making joke. Might not even be laughing at you. I mean people think Borat is funny everything he says. Do what i do, join the club and dont answer in class. Say A good answer inside of ones head is still as good an answer that you  say outloud & know one respects. Love

  11. As king of Iceland, you can just fire the teacher and throw the other pupils in prison.

  12. I don't care about the points.  I care about your dilemma.

    Who are these people to you?  What do they do for you that they have the right to make you feel so bad about yourself.  Do they feed you, buy your clothes, what?  They don't do 'anything for you!  So why should you allow them to make you feel this way?

    If they have a problem with you, this is their problem, not yours.  You have just as much right to be here as anybody else.  

    So ignore them.  This might be hard at first, but when you quit taking their bait, they will find someone else to pick on.

    Let them keep their own problems!  You can make enough of your own, all by yourself.  You don't need their help!  :D

  13. 1. say to them that if they insult you again you will something to them

    2. kick them

    3. when they answer something do the same

    4. go to the director and tell him to let them stop

    5. read george berkeley philosophy you'll have lots of answers and questions

    6. don't look like stupid when you answer a question be what you are


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