
I cant afford dental work what should i do?

by  |  earlier

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my teeth have cavities and are gettin worst what should i do i cant afford the expensive insurance and i cant afford the expensive treatments can anyone help me? i live in california




  1. I should have gotten braces about 2 or 3 years ago yet i dont have them yet coz cant afford them....slowly building up money to be able to afford them, i recon if u work hard u will be able to pay them off.

  2. Join the army...they'll fix em up for ya! No charge!  

  3. The best thing to do at this stage is brush you teeth at least twice a day with good quality fluoride toothpaste and a toothbrush with a small heald and soft bristles. Also floss at least twice a day. The aim is to remove plaque from your teeth every day (as it accumulates all the time and is the reason for decay).

    If you keep this up for the rest of your life, the decay will not get any worse than what it is now. It wont reverse any damage, just stop it. This does depend entirely on how bad the decay is now, so you may just have to save up and see a dentist.

    Good luck.

  4. There really isn't a place that offers free dental work. They are rare and if you happen to come across one, share it with people in california...there is alot of people who need it. Maybe this site could help: I signed up online over 5 years ago now and have saved thousands since. From root canals, xrays, cleanings $38 for me in Texas. I'm sure that prices should be similar in california. All services are included in this very affordable plan. They even had my benefits active in 2 hours and was able to use it the very same day. Hope this helps

  5. stop being such a little ***** and figure something out for your own health.  help yourself.

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