
I cant afford to go skiing right now but really want too, any way to get the ski bug out?

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been watching warren miller movies and looking at ski area web-sites.




  1. Man, watching ski flicks will just egg you on.

    Get a job so you can go skiing!!


    Willie's right about the Warren Miller shows. We go every year, and every year for each ticket you buy you get a free ski day at The Canyons. Cost to see the movie: $18. Cost to buy a lift ticket at The Canyons: idk, but at least twice the cost of the movie!

    Although, I really dislike that place...I'll take the free ski day!

  2. Find someone with a chest freezer, take out all of the food  and jump in there. Stayin there for as long as it takes to never want to see snow again.

  3. when I don't feel like skiing anymore I take the toboggan out of the's a blast trying to get to the bottom of the hill with the dog running beside you trying to knock you off...I've got a 120lb dog so it's a real challenge

  4. a York Peppermint patty...that always does the trick!...ahahahahaha

  5. look on youtube

    for ski accedents!

    u wont want to go TRUST ME! lol

    i am going snow boarding in 3 days! up in aspen!!!!

    i cant wait but i just watched a snow board carshhes on youtube and i am kinda scared

  6. You pay to ski? Oh have a lot to learn.

    I skied all day yesterday for FREE!. Come to think about it, I skied every other day this year for FREE too.

    You need to become an instructor, get a job in a ski shop, volunteer at a resort or with a non-profit group (like disabled skiers) or join ski patrol and you too my friend will learn how to ski for little or no $$$. Some places take volunteers starting from age 12.

    Also...if you actually go to the Warren Miller movies when they show in your area you can almost always snag free tix for someplace. By going to Warren Miller's Playground, this year we snagged freebies for Stratton, Smuggler's Notch, Windham, and two other resorts.

    Of course if you live in Florida or no where near a ski hill all of this is moot. Then, I'm sorry to say, you'll just have to suck it up until you have TIME to ski....but never make cost the issue.

  7. 1. grab your ski equipment

    2. locate a snowy slope

    3. walk to the top

    4. ski down

    5. repeat steps 3 and 4 until satisfied

    6. optional step of building a jump and doing some sweet tricks

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