
I cant be myself around some people?

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im in 8th grade and its kinda hard for me to be myslef around people.

i have very popualr friends and its hard being myself around them, i end up saying things i would never say, and i dont think ive ever teased them once, even though they sometimes tease me. They think im quiet, though im really not.

Around the less popualr people (i have some friends from there too)

its easier being myself. I just want to have the same personality around everyone. I hate when some people think im quiet and nerdy when im really not, can you help me? Like give me some tips on how to be myself more around people? THANKS! :)




  1. you should always be yourself and hang with the pep that you feel most comfy with so you can be your self no mater how popular you are or they  

  2. Hang out with the people who are going to bring the best out of you, its not always about popularity, its about having fun and enjoying your school yourself.people will be drawn to your personality not your popularity.  

  3. if your popular friends are really your friends they'll understand when you just b yourself...true friends will stick up for or uncool

  4. i completely understand where u are coming from- i've done exactly what u are describing over the last few years. it seems so hard and confusing but really, to get out of this phase u literally need to relax :) think what u want to think and act how u want

    i agree with MARISSA - u think your popular friends are better than u so u act insecurely. but with your less popular friends, u feel more comfortable because u genuinely like them and dont think they are better than u-  you are all on the same level.

    have some self respect, u r worth just as much as everyone else. stereotypes are so hard to ignore but they mean nothing- u have the right to live your life how u want!

  5. I'm in eight grade and I kind of used to be that way too.

    If you're comfortable with the less popular friends, maybe you should hang out with them instead. If you like your more popular friends, just try really hard to be yourself and don't think about popularity.

    I think it's all about confidence. The reason I acted weird and shy around the popular people in my school is because i always thought they were better than me. Just think of all the reasons you're better than them.  You're probably different around them because you care what they think about you. If they're really your friends they won't care how you act around them, they'll just wanna hang out with you.

    I hope I helped :]

  6. this probably sounds cheesy but be will be a lot less stressed and a lot happier if you're not always putting on a show

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