
I cant believe it. Avenged Sevenfold is a girl band now?

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I was once an avenged sevenfold fan, before they sold out and went mainstream (They were once like semi-metalcore). But now i cant believe my former favorite band now has, IMO, a large teen fanbase.

Who agrees? What do you think?




  1. i don't think they've gone mainstream...they're just taking inspirations from all sorts of, blues, pop, jazz, and of course...metal

  2. Are you serious!? I cannot believe how stupid people are. They think A7X has no talent what so ever! They are AMAZING musicians. And nobody can say they're not. I'll admit, I'm a teenage girl, but A7X is just fantastic.

    Honestly, I do prefer their old stuff. Waking the Fallen is my absolute favorite album. Favorite album of all time, I might add. =]

    But you have to remember, a band cannot write the same material they did years ago. They changed. And their music did too. If they put out the same stuff over and over, they would bored with their own music. Different things are important to them and they're older.

    You should really lighten up a little and just give them some more respect. They are unbelieveable musicians. Just leave it at that.

  3. STFU

    A7X = LOVE.

  4. A7X sucks!

    And I'm a teenage girl!

  5. I'm a teen girl and I think they still suck.

  6. they have always sucked

  7. Im a teenage girl who was a fan before they hit mainstream.

    they have a wide fanbase, so what?

    if people generally like their music, why should it matter?

  8. it's funny how people equate 'selling out' and 'mainstream' around here.

    they really have nothing to do with each other.

    i like that the band is bold enough to experiment with different sounds. if they were 'semi-metal' their whole lives, i'm sure i'm not the only one who would start getting, well, bored.

  9. Well, I liked Avenged Sevenfold before they had a hugeee fanbase. And I'm a girl. maybe, they just want to be known to teenage girls who don't like metal.  

  10. I completely agree, Avenged Sevenfold sucks and so do their fan base. Some of them are so annoying. You're right about the most of them being girls, too. I don't think that really matters though.  

  11. lmao you're retarded.

    avenged sevenfold didn't sell out, they just got better and got more popular.

  12. Sheesh!I thought you meant they'd all had "the operation"!! Phew! Welllll, sorry, but I'm an OLD girl...55, and I LOVE A.S. Perhaps you have a point, but then I guess they just have a wide fanbase...

  13. omg i know! they are really bad and i mean REALLY.

    older stuff was way better. now it is "copy paste"of everything else mainstream. woww

  14. Yes, I agree. I used to also be a fan, a lot of my friends are all trying to get me to listen to their newest album and as soon as I mention any thing about the 'Sounding The Seventh Trumpet' days, they look at my like they don't know what I'm talking about.

  15. well, the vocals DID change a lot due to the lead vocals injuries...  popping an artery?? or something??  iono... but they DEFINATELY altered their sound after that.

  16. i'm pretty sure guys like them just as much as girls, it seems like all the emo-ish people LOVE them!

  17. okay, im a teen girl who loved them before the whole mainstream thing. okay, they have a large fanbase, so what? they still rock their asses off.

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