
I cant burn blank cds anymore what you think the problem is?

by  |  earlier

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and if you know the problem plz tell me how too fix it thank you!!!




  1. It could be the software you use or the DC burner itself.

  2. Are you using a Mac or PC?

    What OS?

    Instaled any soft/hard ware recently?

    It is possible the laser is burnt out. One of mine (I have 3 installed) died after doing a long project. I think the heat got to it. For US$50 I can get it replaced at Staples so I'm not too worried.

    I'd see if it still reads other disc (data and music) as that will give you an idea if its dead dead  or having a hiccup.

    Hopefully a driver reinstall can get you going.

    Oh, do you clead the laser heads often? It should be done at least once per month.


  3. The actual burner could be dead.  Can you still play CD's in the drive?

    It could be a software issue?  What program are you using.

  4. Well ..... it could be a number of potential problems .... lets start by saying ... it could be broke lol .... but first things first ... open your PC and see whats going on in there ... have a look at the wires connecting the Drive to your motherboard and check they are all okay ... check the power wire .. also check the drive is registering on your pc .. you can do this by going to your Device manager ... located in SYSTEM in control panel =) Hope you get it sorted

  5. The only reason I can think of is your burner is burned out. (no pun intended).

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