
I cant click on players names in the pool rooms and get their profile. when I do it clicks off.?

by  |  earlier

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this only happens in the pool rooms and i cant even get my own profile




  1. OK, so all you do is just ask them to turn to the side. And what do you mean "click on players names"? Are they wearing nametags? How do you click? Oh, and for your own profile, you're going to need to go to the bathroom and use one of those compact mirrors to look at your own profile. Just stand next to the bathroom mirror, hold the compact up sort of beside your face so you can look at your profile. It takes some practice; don't feel stupid if you have to turn it back and forth, lol!


  2. haha.......crazy a$$es.......:D............dude, just hold down the CTRL key while going in the can do that or set your pop up to allow from Yahoo games.......

  3. My left sock wont stay up

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