
I cant concentrate on any reading?

by  |  earlier

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i am in quite environment and i am trying to read

But its not working




  1. If you've always had this problem, it could be a variety of learning issues.

    However, if it is just recently that concentration has been an issue, you may have something else on your mind that is more important to you.

    Here are a couple of tips:

    1. If your mind is wandering to an interaction or situation that is bothering you or that you are worried about, write down your thoughts in a journal. Close the journal and tell yourself, "My journal has my worries right now. I'll concentrate on reading and come back to that problem later." OR call the person and take care of the situation. Then come back and read.

    2. If the environment is too quite, you may hear the lights hum, computer noise, heater noise, etc. These put me to sleep. I do best if I have "white noise" like a movie I have seen so many times it is memorized, so I can tune it out or music with headphones, so I can tune out the environment and concentrate--the music becomes background noise.

    3. Get some sleep and try again when you are more alert.

    4. Do you speed read? Drink some coffee or pop, get in an alert position, and speed read. Speed reading requires high concentration and you may not notice at first, but as you continue from page to page, you will start to comprehend better than when you were reading slowly.

  2. Hi! Questions -- Is the reading you are doing in regards to homework, and not that interesting? Or a novel you have no interest in? Or, is the room too quiet for you?

    Sometimes being in a room that is too quiet, makes it hard to concentrate on what you are reading. Possibly put some music on -- low volume -- may help you to concentrate better.

    Or, do you have something on your mind? That can easily cause you to have lack of concentration.

    One thought -- is that if you take a break -- if you are hungry, please see about getting something to eat, or thirsty, please get something to drink. If you need to, take a potty break.

    And, maybe set a timer, that you read for 1/2 hour, then take a five minute break. Etc. As you do this, it should help you.

    If the lack of concentration is something you have had a problem with, for more than this book you are trying to read, as an on going problem, then maybe consult your Dr. to see about reading glasses, or maybe Attention Deficit Disorder. ADD , or ADHD -- Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder.

    Or, if you find yourself transposing letters, like transcript would be (possibly) rantposngi (an example. Then, if that were the case, you would need to talk again with your Dr. to see about the proper help for that.

    Otherwise, what have you got on your mind that is causing you to not concentrate so well? Did you get in an argument with someone recently? Or met someone "special" you are thinking about?

    Just please, do yourself a favor, and take a break, and get back to it later --are you tired? That can cause lack of concentration as well. Maybe you need some sleep. If so, you could either take a nap for a couple of hours, then get up, get going, read some more, or take the night off, and try it again tomorrow.

    Take care.

  3. if this happens often you might want to seek a doctor you may have add or adhd you might just be having a melt down

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