
I cant controll myself?

by  |  earlier

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My girlfriend and i were making out and said she wanted me to tease her, so I said "Alright, fatty."

but i now understand what she ment is there anything i can say to her to try make up for my lack of judgement




  1. keep your mouth closed

  2. next time just tell her what she wants to hear.

  3. did she slap u?i would

  4. Ohhhh my.. you shouldnt have said that. Im supprised she's still your girlfriend after that. You need to apolagise to her and tell her you didnt understand what she was asking you to do. You need to reasure her that you dont see her as fat (even if she is) and that you were just messing about. buy her some flowers or something to say sorry.

    good luck x

  5. Seriously, you sure did the BIG NO NO there.

    Never ever call a girl fat or fatty, even if it's ment like a tease or joke. DO you know how long a girl can go around and think about what you said. Yeah, totally.. I would have slapped you too.. When did teasing someone become calling them fatty.. good luck to you man, that's gonna be a hard one to get out of. You better come up with something mind blowing if you want her to forgive you. If she is like most girls that will bug her so much.

    And never ever call a girl fatty if you are not planning to hurt her and break up.

    all luck to you, you need it;)

  6. Wow she seems uptight ...

    Or maybe she is just self conscious about her body!

    Explain to her you were JUST TEASING [joking] and for her not to take things so seriously!!

    I'm sure she'll understand if you make the effort to explain the truth to her.

    Hope this helps.

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