
I cant cope! and i need help?

by  |  earlier

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im 15 years of age and got told i had anxiety depression disorer at the age of 13 1/3 i saw did see a doctor about it and he gave me tablets for 2 weeks now im starting to feel it again but its worse this time......... i can be happy as larry when i feel thsi huge black hole inside me i tell people stupid things about me to scare them off for their own good not meaning to hurt them it drives me crazy and im not sure what to do about it??? please help me i dont wanan do something drastic x




  1. im also very depressed. Here is a forum i use, people post in with their issues and some of the members are therapist so either way you will have a good helpful. You WILL feel at home in this forum, trust me on that. Almost everyone can relate to what your going through so you should check it out.


  2. i suffered from depression. especially with anxiety depression get a counselor. there are also hot-lines you can call if you are having a spur of the moment urge to burst. call them and they will listen to you vent and help you from becoming smothered with the problem.

    here is the best number to call with any problem:


    i hope it helps and i hope you feel better!

  3. Talk to someone about it; your parents, siblings, close friends, us?

    Talking to someone will help. I suggest you go see a doctor, maybe they can help.

    Whatever you do, don't do something stupid like self harm or suicide.

    I've been there and done that. It's awful, stupid and selfish.

    Write how your feeling down into a diary maybe. Thats what i've started doing, and it seems to be helping.

    I'm here to talk if you like.

    I'm 16 btw


  4. Teenage yrs can be difficult, in fact they were some of the worst yrs of my life! You need to speak to someone ie. Mum, Dad or Dr. With regards to telling people stupid things about you to scare em off for their own good - how do you know what is for their own good?  Maybe they have probs to and need a friend to talk to even if that friend has low self esteem and suffers anxiety at times?  Sounds like you have got very low self-esteem and perhaps a low self image of yourself.  Don't worry its nothing you can't change. Get the book - You can heal your life by Louise Hay from local library or cheap 2nd hand from Amazon or full price (£10ish I think) from local bookstore.  It will do you wonders.  Remember everyone has got their own problems, no one is perfect and these are difficult times we live in.  I think everyone suffers anxiety sometimes at this time with whats going on in the world sometimes its only natural.  Hopefully the world will be a better place soon if everyone pulls together and focuses more on love than fear.

  5. You need to go and see a councillor and talk to him about the way you feel and take it from there, but don't leave it to late

  6. you obviously need to seek further help if it is as you say one minute your fine the next your depressed you may be bi-polar,and i know its hard but don't try to scare people off this will only make you feel isolated and alone making you even more depressed,try to speak to your family and close friends about how you feel,at this time in your life you may need them to be around you more than ever before,always try to be positive and understand that many people are going through the same things as you you're not alone,and there are professionals who can help.take care of yourself X X X

  7. The first thing you need to know is that there are people out there who care for you too much for you to do something drastic to yourself or others.  If you know that you have a histroy of anxiety depreesion disorder, then you are one step ahead of the game. Tell an adult you can trust that you are slipping back into depression and tell them you want help. Do it in a text message, leave a voice mail, tell your best friend to tell her mother, whatever you need to do to let your voice be heard. I will be praying for you.

    I would also suggest that you change your screen-name.  Seriously.  Names are very powerful and if you see yourself as a demoness, then you will always have darkness and anxiety surrounding you. We attract certain things to ourselves, so by calling yourself that you may be attracting darkness.  I'm not saying to call yourself "Princess of the Light" or something, just be aware that names (even screen names, nicknames, etc.) are powerful because they have to do with our identity. Begin to speak positive things about yourself: I am special; I am the only one like me; I was created for a purpose; I am beautfiul; I am loved; I am appreciated; I make a difference; the world would be a very different place without me in it.  It should help!

  8. Your brain is a fantastic thing. You were told you had a condition so you believed it. You were told pills would help. So they did.

    You need to be positive. Tell yourself that you are happy and you are living a wonderful life. Think how very lucky you are.

    Your brain can repair any ill. Give it a chance by just considering positive thoughts...Try it, it will work for you. Might suggest you get tapes on Neuro Linguistic Programming..just might reinforce your positiveness.

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