
I cant cry anymore? help?

by  |  earlier

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My former friend Abby, she was like a sister to me, i destroyed our friendship but i said sorry and i proved it to her in multiple ways. But Abby always tries to hurt me more and more because i hurt her. It always works. She knows every way to hurt me where it hurts..the heart..i just cant talk about my problems...and i just cant cry anymore. I want to so bad..i just cant. My heart is hurting so bad that i drink whiskey hoping to let go of the pain but it just wont go away i feel every single thing. I tried to let her and our friendship go but i cant. Every time she hurts me, no matter how bad that i want to walk heart wants to pick up the pieces of my broken friendship. What should I do? Please help!




  1. How do you still have contact with her?

  2. if youre going to be miserable in a friendship, why are you even in it??? If your friend really forgave you, she wouldn't put you throug this. Obviously she cant forgive you, so she wants you to feel how she felt.  Anyway, this doesnt seem like a healthy friendship.  If you spoke to her about this and she continues, honey, you need to get up and leave.  Just like a girlfriend/boyfriend relationship, it's going to hurt, but you got to get over and move on.  

  3. Whiskey will only make you hurt more. Stop that right away. If your friend can't forgive you right now accept it and give her some space. If she really is your friend time will heal everything. I did the same thing to one of my friends years ago. It took a long time for him to trust me again but he did and now we are stronger than ever. Stop pushing so hard and just give her some time and space. Good luck.  

  4. why did you destroyed your friendship?? maybe she's just letting you pay for the hurt you've caused her.. just don't give up, if you're really sincere.. don't be sad, be determined to bring her back..

  5. The two of you are long overdue for a sit down chat.  Sure you said you were sorry after destroying the friendship . . . but she may have trusted you and has lost faith in your friendship.

  6. You initially detroyed the friendship, you apologizes and showed her how sorry you were, the ball is in her court now. Let the friendship rest for a bit and stay away from th whiskey.

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