
I cant decide where i wanna live!!!.....I'm 28?

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i guess the next place i move will be pretty permanent due to my age...but that thought scares me....the thought of staying in the same place!...ive worked in the same job for 1 and half years and im already itching to move on!... i have the option of moving to the USA and austrialia due to my sister and brother living in both those countries....but there some many other countires out there! like singapore which i recently traveled to and can possible work there cause of my degree.....its driving me crazy so many options!.... i have so many dreams and scenanrios i want to play out in real life like live im miami with all those beautiful models .....or live in an asian country and learn the culture and date an asian girl......anybody know where the land of the forever young is!...cause i wanna go there and live my dreams....all of them ......not just 1 or 2 ....any advice




  1. Join the Air Force-- You can travel for pretty much nothing. You can also request to be stationed in a different country, and live on a military base. I lived on a military base in Germany for a little while. WOW!! They're like a vacation resort! AND, no matter where you get stationed, you don't have to worry about finding a job. There are many employment options in the Air Force. Talk to a recruiter!

  2. Italy. Or France, or Germany. They're such better places to live than USA or Asia.

    Asia is good to be visited, not lived in my opinion, and the same USA...

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