
I cant do a proper cartwheel what do i do? my legs dont go straight?

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i know the steps to a cartwheel but after many many atempts my cartwheel isnt straight my legs are straight any advice? thank you very much




  1. Okay... I got a mixed message from your question. Do they or don't they go straight? Well...

    If they DO go straight: And your cartwheel is still not straight, then you need to work on your upper body strength. Practice hand stands, push ups, and if you have access to a gym, do Military Presses. Work on the strength and balance in you bicep, tricep, and upper pectorals.

    If they DON'T go straight: Then you need to work your core, being your abdomen, deltoids, latissimus dorsi, and obliques in order to gain balance and confidence, and work on your core movements, not so much the movement of your legs.

    Remember, a cart wheels power is based on an axis, just like any other circular motions, and the axis for your cart wheel will be in you abdomen and pectoralis major.

    Good luck, and don't give up!

  2. i agree wiht the first answer.  but the best way i found to get better was to practice on getting the hand placement right and moving up from there eventually you will get to you legs being right.

  3. to get the legs truly straight usually only requires practice.

    In capoeira class we were taught the following.

    just put your hands to the side of your body and jump over them.

    Then just try to swing higher every time you go.

    you'll soon be able to handle very nice cartwheels.

  4. The first answer is awesome. You could also maybe try what I would do with my kids' when they were learning cartwheels.

    Basically I would spot them and do it step by step so all their concentration was on each step. I would have them do the stance and I would lead their hand to the ground, as they would go up I would lightly grab one leg at a time and kind of lead them to the ground.

    It's kind of hard to explain typing but basically it helped them figure out at which step they needed to concentrate to push off and get the legs straight in the air.

  5. If your legs aren't straight all you can do is tighten up and force yourself to keep them straight. If your legs are straight but the cartwheel isn't you may not be kicking them all the way up to the handstand position which the cartwheel passes through sideways.

    Make sure you have a good handstand with no arch in the back and the legs above the rest of the body. Try doing cartwheels down a line on the floor.  My kids just do them down the crack between two mats. If their feet "fall off" the crack they know they either aren't kicking up high enough to reach handstand position or they are arching or twisting their torso somewhere during the cartwheel.

    More cartwheel tips:;_ylt=A0ge...

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