
I cant figuer out what my cat has can some one help me out?

by  |  earlier

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she has this gunk that comes out of one eye but not the other i have to clean it off of her every day it gets all dry and crusty

and seems to be afecting her nose the same way and only on one side can someone tell me what she might have?




  1. my cat had the same problem. do not wait for too long you have to go to the doctors or it will get worst and worst

    hope i helped

    good luck with the cat :)

  2. Why not let the vet figure out what's wrong?  She has an eye infection of sorts and needs some antibiotics from the vet. It will only get worse without treatment.

  3. My cats have had this and it usually

    clears up on it's own. Just keep crust

    and gunk out of eyes until she gets

    over, may be allergies or eye cold.

    If it last more than a couple of weeks

    I'd take her to the vet.

  4. take her to the vet. she might have a little infection now, but if its not taken care of.. it could get expensive.

    what i could recommend if you're tight on funds.. visit a city or state run pet hospital. they are just as qualified, but do not have the pricey costs of normal check ups. something definitely to google. :]

  5. it sound like an infection she may need antibiotics from the vet if it get worse it can get more costley

  6. Please just do your cat a favor a get her to a vet!!  You don't want to take the chance on her getting any worse, and a vet can give you the proper diagnosis and the remedy as well.

    I have had cats for over 25 years and it is always worth it to get them a decent vet and take them to the vet when they are sick.  We go to our doctor, why shouldn't we allow then the same?

  7. could be many things... honestly, my cat has the same thing but my cat was from a pound and very sick.. honestly the best thing to do is take it to the vet, because if it is what my cat has it is a life long thing... not bad just kind of a pain. On  the other hand it could just simply be allergies  :) But seriously take it to the vet, because cats will stop eating if they can't smell their food, so you don't want her to get so congested that happens. Also for the time being, put your cat in the bathroom when you take a  warm shower... it acts as a humidifier... I do it with my cat when she isnt feeling well and it perks her up :)  Good luck!

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