
I cant figure out my neighbors?

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I use to be ok with most of my neighbors where I live in this small town of lebanon TN. but laitley after some stupid incident where I tryed helping out this girl out that was 13 and she dressing up like a w***e and acting crazy smoking cigarets and trying to flirt with guys that were way older than her like 17-21 " I did tell her aunt about what was going on" but it didint help much "now I wish i'd never of said anything! But now it's like the people at the end of my block are acting like I cause problems and dont deserve to live neer them. And another neighbor got company checks stole from his truck and asked me about it? I fear that they now are trying to make me missrable as I can possobly get and im sick of it and I dont have any Idea what to do about it. I don't even go outside on walks anymore because of it! should I confront them or the landlord? or is there anything else I can do...




  1. I agree with another poster.  Sounds like that girl and/or her aunt is spreading rumors.  Could be as bad as saying you raped her.  (Some females will do that.)  Talk to the landlord about getting out of your lease and move to a different part of the town.  I mean, do you really want to be in that w***e-filled check-stealing neighborhood?  The person who stole those checks is still out there.  Move out quietly during the day when most people are at work and never look back.

  2. You know it sounds like her Aunt could have been pimping her out and didn't like that you had something to say about it. I know that may sound far fetched but things like that happen.

    You know I would just take my walks, s***w them if they don't care what happens to that young lady then they will have to deal with whatever she brings home.

    The neighbor that asked you about the checks did he thing you stole them? Because it kind of sounds like he asked you because you are so observant. Either way I would live my life.

  3. you did the right thing talking to the aunt.if they dont respect your need to do nothing for other people making comments.ignore it is not easy to do the right good deed goes for proud of did the right thing.

  4. sounds like you are to available for them to affect you like that are you hanging out or being around them cause I have no idea what my neighbors are thinking cause I don't deal with them !

  5. Ditch Lebanon and move into civilization.

  6. No good deed goes unpunished. It is best to stay out of other people's business. Just ignore them.

  7. I think you were just being a concerned person in regards to this child who is going to get herself into a bad situation.  Unfortunately.  some people, well a good majority of people anymore don't want you telling them when there kid is doing something wrong, which I totally do not understand.  You did what you thought was right and now it's like you are being punished for trying to make sure something bad will not happen to this young girl.  At the rate she is going something bad will happen to her and they will have to deal with it.

  8. The people who own property adjacent to yours often turn into your mortal enemies.  Welcome to America.

    It sounds like one or more of the residents on your street are doing what happens on many streets in America: They are happy to impose their will on all others, LOVE the sound of their own voice, I'm sure, they are mindful of the fact that unless you carry a camera around, no one will witness them harassing you... (the harassment is only going to get worse) and yes, they do resent the fact that you live near them, they extremely resent the fact that you would have any insight on anything else that is going on that is 'their business' (especially with one of their children... *shiver*)  NEVER.  NEVER.  ever.  Neeeeever even consider jeapordizing or even just speaking poorly about a mans:

    1) Children

    2) Wife

    3) Home

    4) Job

    The retaliation, as I'm sure you've realized, can be EXTREME, and SEVERE.  And I'm sure they do want to make your life as miserable as they can without sacrificing their high-and-mighty lifestyle.  You're dealing with a well organized society of several of your neighbor's households whom are bitter, probably displaced persons.  Think organized crime but they haven't decided on which financial institution to rob.

    MOVE.  You cannot reason with these people.  When you do move, make as good impression.  Introduce yourself.  Bring some goodies or a pan of some food.  Then keep your head down, unless you're passing them on the street, then by all means smile and wave, pretend you love them.  But don't concern yourself with their affairs, ever.  By any means.  

    With the level of anger, and the perception of 'disenfranchisement' and 'entitlement' that pervades your typical American's mind nowadays, your neighbor will rarely be your friend.  And by rarely I mean never.  Keep your head down, young Jedi.

    If you can't tell, I've dealt with morons like this before.

  9. It sounds like the girl got angry with you and slandered you in the neighborhood.   People are quick to believe negative things said about someone and don't really look at the motivation.     It is hard to fight that kind of nastiness.  If you confront the people who bought into it, they will just treat you worse.   I think it is a reflection on the quality of people in that neighborhood.

    So, minimize your contact with those people.   I don't know wht the landlord would have to do with it, but he may want to know about what is going on in the neighborhood.

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