
I cant find a roommie!

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So in a few months I am going to college not to far from my hometown. Although, I could live at home I think it would be much funner to room with someone. How do i find a roomie I can trust? I dont know anyone my age going to college since I am going a year early.




  1. Most colleges have a housing department to help with this.  Also, check with them on housing requirements for freshmen.  Many colleges require freshmen living away from home to live in on-campus dorms.  I've always posted/looked at flyers posted on campus.

    If you're not stuck in the dorms (and with whoever is assigned to you), there are a couple things I've found important to picking the right person/situation.  First, spend some time think about what annoys you, what you do that might annoy others, and what your expectations are, and talk about these issues when you're interviewing a prospective roommate.  Here are some examples-

    -After a meal I ... immediately wash my dishes and put them in the dishwasher (and it really bothers me if other people don't) -- or -- put them in the sink and deal with them later (differences on this can cause HUGE friction between roommates)

    -I am/am not okay with overnight guests - and how many days in a row, how many days per week

    -I expect guests gone and music/tv down by XX o'clock on shool nights

    -I'd like to do communal cooking (it's fun to take turns cooking, and not much harder to cook for several than it is to cook for one) -- or -- you do your thing and I'll do mine

    Once you've found someone that you think would be a good fit, spend  some time just hanging out with them.  Club, beach, mall, whatever - but spend 2 hours hanging out with the person where you can talk.  This gets you both out of "best behavior - interview mode" and interacting the way you *really* are.

    Finally, put all the house rules in writing, and agree in advance how to handle disputes.  Talking about this stuff in advance will make roommate life much smoother.

  2. go to the college and post a notice on the board that you are looking for a roommate  
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