
I cant find any information on the different jobs a firefighter can do.?

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I have looked hard but I cannot find the different jobs a firefighter can do. I know that there's the guys that hold the hose. Guys who ventilate the building, search and rescue... But thats all I have heared of. What are all the jobs that you can perform as a fire fighter?




  1. Well there are different companies that you can be in.

    There is the Engine company, which does the hose work. These guys will secure water sources (ie. hitting the hydrant), Stretch the hose to the building, chase kinks that might form, find the fire and put the wet stuff on the red stuff. They also do vehicle extrication which is cutting people out of bad car accidents.

    Then there is the Ladder company or Truck company. These guys do ventilation, Forcible entry, search and rescue, Overhaul and Roof work and also do vehicle extrication when needed. these are the guys throwing up ladders and working off the Tower ladders. these guys do not touch the hose unless their life is in danger.

    Then there is Rescue which is somewhat self explanatory. these guys are there to save firemen and civilians. there job is to do WHATEVER it take to get a guy out alive. they carry a wide assortment of tools like torches, hydrolic cutting tools, ropes for high angle rescues, shoring for unstable buildings or vehicles. They are highly trained and are some of the busiest companies in the department.

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